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Part1 第二部分 重点语汇 million I could eat about a million and a half of these. 我能吃下去无数块巧克力。Million 在美国人的日常用语中经常见到,用夸张的语气表示数量的不胜枚举。例如本句中,阿甘形容自己可以吃下“一百五十万块巧克力”,意即百吃不厌。1. 阿甘在形容自己是多年来第一批访问中国的美国人时,是这样讲的:I was the first American to visit the land of China in like a million years or something like that. 我是几百万年来第一批访问中国的美国人。 2. 当一个美国人在形容自己即将到来的婚礼是多么兴师动众时,他可以这样表述:It’s like a million people flying in around the world. 似乎有几百万人从世界各地飞来参加我们的婚礼。 3. 类似的表达方法还有“thousand”,“hundred”,甚至“twenty”。1) Our house had been in Mama’s family since her grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago. 自打一千年前妈妈的爷爷的爷爷的爷爷祖父漂洋过海来到这里,这座房子就属于妈妈的家族。2) I’ve told you a hundred times that today I’ll come back late. 我给你讲过无数次了,今天我会晚些回来。 tell There’s an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. 看人们脚上穿的鞋子就能判定很多事情。指“判断”、“断定”、“辨别”,类似的用法如下:1. Yes, I did have plastic surgery. How can you tell? 是的,我确实做过美容手术,你怎么看出来的? 2.And then in the desert, when the sun comes up, I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the earth began. 在沙漠里的时候,太阳升起来,我看不出天地的分界。 3. Even though it was so dark I could still tell it was you. 尽管很黑,我仍然辨认得出你来。 4. tell (when/how) It’s hard to tell when we can finish the work. 我们什么时候能完成工作还很难说。 5. tell (by/from) You can tell by the way it walks that the cat has been injured. 看那只猫走路的姿势就知道它受伤了。 dress up They’d all dress up in their robes. 化装,打扮,尤指穿奇装异服或者为某个特殊场合而精心的装扮。 1. He went to the Halloween party dressed up as Elvis Presley。他扮做猫王去参加了万圣节晚会。 2. It’s a small information party. You don’t have to dress up. 这只是一个小小的信息发布会,你不用穿得太正式。 happen My mama always tells me that miracles happen everyday. 妈妈总是对我说,奇迹每天都会发生。发生,出现,降临某人身上。 1. If anything happens to you, just let me know. 如果你有任何意外,一定要通知我。 2. What happened to your arm? Did you have a fracture? 你的胳膊怎么了?骨折了吗?3. Whatever happens to (询问近况) Whatever happens to Jane?简最近怎么样? hell Who in the hell is that ? 那家伙到底是谁? 在美式口语中,hell是一个绝对的高频词,一般用来表示诅咒、惊讶、不耐烦等口气,还可以用来表达强调的语感,这是大家在今后的交际中会经常用到的一种方式。类似的用法如“the hell”、“in hell”,更为人常




