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* 书 面 表 达 讲 评 ------马松燕 Learning aims(学习目标): 1.Talk about the last written expression assessment (评讲书面表达) 2. Write another essay(写书面表达) 本次书面表达成绩分析: ≥20分:16个 15~19分:20个 命题特点: 本次书面表达是材料作文,是我们日常生活中的小事 ,内容明确要求简单,大家有话可写,但又不能随便写,所以作业内容差别不大,结果比较令人满意。希望大家继续努力。 书面表达评讲 假如你是王明,你家两个月前买了一台冰箱,但昨天出了故障,现在不能正常工作了,并发出一种怪音,你妈妈每周一至周五下午2点以后在家,请你给商场经理写封信要求他尽快派人来修。 要求:词数100字左右,可适当添加。 材料再现: 体裁 时态 人称 时态 共性问题1: 1.I hope you can sent someone to have it repaired. (许艳艳 张灿) 2. It doesn’t work and make a strange noise . (张玉乔 董路路) 4. What was worse, it makes a strange noise .(王郑阳) 5. You can come after 2 o’clock, and at that time my mother at home.(柴晶晶) 6. I’m looking forward receiving your reply as soon as possible.(张玉乔 张佳丽) 7. I hope you can set a people to my home as soon as possible.(刘梦莹) send makes is is to send person 谓语动词 共性问题2: 1.When you come ,you can call me at the number is 14677665873.(高吉) 2. I hope you to have the fridge repaired as soon as possible. (樊园红) wish 句式错 共性问题3: We bought a fridge in your shop two monthes ago.(鲁晓 刘志琴 王运) 2.I can’t repair it . My mother can’t repair it ,too. (吴洋) 3.The atress is XingFu Road.(张静) 4. It often made a strange voice and it...... (刘志琴) 5. I’m looking forward to your come.(李梦霞) 错词 months either address noise coming 共性问题4: My mother will come back at afternoon 2 o’clock p.m. from Monday to Friday. (王运 董路路) 中式英语 范文欣赏: July10,2009 Dear Sir, Two months ago, my mother bought a fridge in your shop.It had been working well till yesterday. I think there must be something wrong with it . It doesn’t work any longer and there is a strange noise coming from the back of it. Would you please send someone to have a look at it? My mother is at home after 2:00p.m from Monday to Friday .I’m looking forward to your reply . Thank you very much. Address: Room 106 Building 9 Hongxing Street Tel:


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