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Chapter 2 Phonology 音系学 The phonic medium of language 语言的声音媒介 Linguists are not interested in all sounds ;they are concerned with only those sounds that are produced by the human speech organs in so far as they have a role to play in linguistic communication .These sounds are limited in number .This limited range of sounds which are meaningful in human communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are the phonic medium of language ;and the individual sounds within this range are the speech sounds. 语言学家也并不是对所有的声音感兴趣,他们只关注那些在语言交际中占有一席之地、由人类的发音器官所发出来的那些声音。这些声音在数量上是有限的。这些范围有限,但对人类交际活动意义重大、对语言学研究价值不菲的声音就是语言的声音媒介,凡是在这个范围的每个单个的声音都叫做语音。 Phonetics 语音学 What is phonetics? 什么是语音学? Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sound that occur in the world’s languages. 语音学一般定义为语言声音媒介的研究。它的主要研究对象是世界上所有的语言中出现过的一切声音。 These three branches of phonetics are labeled articulatory phonetics, auditory phonetics, and acoustic phonetics respectively. 语音学的三个分支分别被称为发音语音学,听觉语音学和声学语音学。 Of the three branches of phonetics, the longest established, and until recently the most highly developed, is articulatory phonetics. 在语音学的这三个分支里,建立历史最长,迄今发展最完善的就是发音语音学。 Acoustic phoneticians try to describe the physical properties of the stream of sounds which a speaker issues. To describe these properties, they record the sound waves on machines called spectrographs. 声学语音学家们正在尝试描述说话者所发出的声流的物理属性。为了记录这些声波,他们使用一种叫做声谱仪的机器。 Organs of speech 语言的发音器官 The Pharyngeal cavity 咽腔 Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called “voicing” , which is a feature of all vowels and some consonants, such as [b], [z],[m]. 这种声带的颤动导致一种语音音色的产生——“浊音”,这是所有元音和诸如[b], [z],[m]之类的辅音所共有的特征。 The speed of the vibration determines the pitch of the sounds. 声带颤动的速度决定了所发声音的音高。 Voiceless 清音 such as [t],[s],[f]. The oral cavity 口腔 The greatest source of modification of the air stream is found in the oral cavity. 气流所受


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