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No.898 Mar. 30, 2011 P.10: Campus Life Career Don’t build barriers Speaking Time Issue 898 Global Reading Background Information Vocabulary Don’t build barriers Background Information Speaking Time Vocabulary Global Reading The report from MyCOS revealed that 40 percent are facing communication problems among college freshmen. Over 20 percent of male students said they have problems making friends with the opposite sex, higher than 15 percent proportion for female students. The survey results showed that over 15 percent of female students have problems getting along with their roommates, higher than their male peers. Background Information Friends of the opposite sex 18.7% Roomates 12.9% Classmates 12.5% Teachers Parents 6.5 5.5 College freshmen have problems with people below. Global Reading What can affect interpersonal relationships on the part of writer? Minor things, such as a curtain around the bed, wearing earphones or having a stubbly beard can affect interpersonal relationships. 1 Tips 2 3 What does the survey by MyCOS and Tencent indicate? Tips Almost four in every 10 were worried by relationships, mainly with the opposite sex and roommates. Why has Xiao Yibo been estranged from his roommate and former buddy? Tips Because he was short-tempered with him for dawdling before leaving for classes and refused to have a friendly communication. 4 5 What do the young loners think of being excluded according to Bai Jingxiang, a psychology tutor ? Tips Tips They feel sad . What is suggested in the text to better interpersonal relationships? To remove the curtains To say honest words instead of putting on earphones To mention the importance of cleanliness without naming names instead of making a fuss chill out be fussy about sth. What if…… exclude sb. from sth. indulge in…… feel /be hard done by estrange sb. from sb. spoil the relations with sb. interpersonal relationship Vocabulary 人际关系 破坏和某人


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