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Issue 396 21st Century For Junior 3 山东省泰山实验中学 于小华 Students study something new (P3) 1. They recently got a ____ of the life of a star. (体验) 2. A local movie company decided to _______ a film.(创作 ) 3. Zoe Walsh ,a seventh –grader, __________(报名) to do behind-the-scenes work. 4. It was very cold during _______. (拍摄) 5. Students had to _________ (忍受) snow and _____(寒冷的)wind. 6. He tried to help each student _________ (使…显现)the wolf or animal they were playing. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the text. taste produce shooting put up with icy bring out signed up While reading (Discussion) Look through the passage to find the answers to the questions. 1.Who were the actors in the film? 2.What difficulties did the students-actors meet with? 3.How did Erus Harrington learn the British accent on his own? 4.Can you guess when the film was shot according to the passage? 1.Who were the actors in Ruby vs Wolfgang? 2.What difficulties did the students-actors meet with? Students from Steamboat Spring Middle school in the US. Firstly, it was very cold during shooting. Secondly, a lack of experience was another problem. 3.How did Erus Harrington learn the British accent on his own? 4.Can you guess when the film was shot according to the passage? He taught himself by watching videos. It was in winter. Careful reading Decide true or false 1. Most of the actors in this film were students. 2. The story was told from the perspective of the little red riding hood. 4. Zoe Walsh played a nice, silly British guy. 5.The students will watch themselves on the big screen at Steamboat Springs Middle School in May. 3. Erus Harrington learned the British accent by himself. All the wolf Erus Harrington a local high school Let’s enjoy the beautiful sentences together! It’s great fun pretending that you’re someone else. Students had to put up with snow and icy wind. 假装你是其他人是非常有意思的事。 学生们不得不忍受大雪和冰冷的寒风。 Using the power of the sun (P5) The Greek god Helios Discu


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