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21st Teens for Senior 3 for Senior 3 2012-2013学年度第13期总第472期 Intelligence in decline? (P5) Man or machine (P6) Way of the sword (P3) Way of the sword (P3) I. Warming up How much do you know about fencing? The sport of fencing is divided into three weapons: foil, sabre and epee. Fencing is one of five sports which have been featured at every one of the modern?Olympic Games, the other four being?Athletics (田径),?Cycling,?Swimming, and?Gymnastics. II. Fast reading Read the article fast and find out what the article is mainly about. Choose the best answer: 1. What is the purpose of the article? A. To advertise a fencing club. B. To introduce fencing and how fun it can be. C. To compare fencing with other sports. D. To compare the three fencing weapons. 1. B。本文主要介绍的是击剑运动的基本情况以及它吸引人参与的原因,所以答案为B。 III. Specific reading Read the text again and complete the quiz below: 2. To say that “fencing is a form of physical chess”, the author means that _____. A. both of these things require a sharp mind and careful thinking B. their scenarios and defensive strategies are similar C. those who are into chess usually take an interest in fencing as well D. fencing athletes must be as careful as chess players during the game 2. A。由第二段可知击剑运动和象棋一样,运动员需要和棋手一样小心布局、设防、运用策略赢得比赛,所以A为最佳答案。 Exercises Reading 3. What are the benefits of practicing fencing according to the article? a. It helps build discipline. b. It is easy to learn. c. It helps develop strategic thinking. d. It allows you to do whatever you want. e. It enables you to work better under pressure. A. a, b, c B. a, c, e C. a, d, e D. b, c, d 3. B。第五段提到了“fencing developed her discipline”,第六段提到了“the hobby helped his problem-solving skills”,第七段提到了“thinking under pressure to find a solution”,第九段提到了“Figuring out how you’re going to approach each match is what people really enjoy”,根据这些可知a, c, e正确,所以答案为B。 Exercises Reading 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article? A. The epee is the most aggre


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