写作 Unit Research Paper writingby WHZ优秀培训书.ppt

写作 Unit Research Paper writingby WHZ优秀培训书.ppt

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Research Paper Chapter 5 Outline Definition General steps Sections comprising a research paper Definition A research paper is a presentation of a researcher’s investigations on a selected topic backed up by the ideas or information of others in the field. Steps to a research paper Choosing the topic Specific topics make better papers than very broad or general ones. A broad topic: The Importance of Economics A specific topic: International Cooperation as Exemplified by the World Bank It is aimed to tell other people your findings and claims on a selected topic. Collecting information Bibliographical information Evaluating materials Analyze, synthesize, sort and digest the information collected. Outlining the paper An outline helps you to think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing. A Sample outline I. Introduction II. Body A. Weight control 1. Aids self-control 2. Burns calories 3. Encourages a healthy diet 4. Suppresses appetite B. Psychological well-being 1. Aids sleep 2. Inhibits depression 3. Intensifies vitality III. Conclusion Overview of a Research Paper The front matter Title: Research theme Author’s name(s) Abstract: Conceptional description (the scope); Procedures and methodology; Main findings, conclusion and implications or suggestions key words : Terms to generalize research concerns The body Introduction method results or findings discussion and conclusion Introduction The purpose and background of present study The scope and focus to develop the study Problems, argumentation and hypothesis Method Theoretical framework or models and research design Experimental apparatus and procedures Descriptions of data treatment Results or Findings Figures (graphs, tables and diagrams) Generalization of the results Comments or explanations of the results Discussion and Conclus


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