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A类图表作文各个击破(流程图、柱图、曲线图、表格) 表格 解题关键 1表格与饼图一样。 2表格题考查列举数字的能力和方法。通过举一些有代表性的数据来说明问题; 3横向比较。介绍横向各个数据的区别、变化和趋势; 4纵向比较。介绍纵向各个数据的区别、变化和趋势; 5不需要将每一个数据分别说明,突出强调数据最大值和最小值; 6对比时要总结出数据对比最悬殊的和最小的。 表格常用词汇 noticeable trend 明显趋势 pronounced? adj. 明显的 significant changes一些较大变化???????????????? rank? n. vt. vi. 列为,排列,等级 distribute? vt. 分布,区别 unequally? adv. 不相等地???????????????????????????????? average? n. vt. vi. adj. 平均?????????????????????????????????????? corresponding? adj. 相应的,通讯的??????????????????? represent? vt. 阐述,表现 overall? adj. 总体上讲??????????????????????????????????? in the case of?? adv. 在...的情况下 in terms of / in respect of / regarding 在...方面 表格常用表达 ?????? 开头概述 1) The table shows (reveals,illustrates,demonstrates,depicts,describes,indicates) _____. 2) According to the table, _____. 3) As (is) shown in the table, _____. 4) As can be seen from the table, _____. 5) Figures/statistics show (that) _____. 6) It can be seen from the figures/statistics that _____. 7) It is clear from the figures/statistics that _____. 8) It is apparent from the figures/statistics that _____. ??描述比例 1) _____ accounts for (takes up) 20% of all. ??? _____占总数的20%。 2) On the top of the list is _____, which accounts for 70%. ??? 比例最高的是_____,占70%。 3) At the bottom of the list is _____,which takes up 20% only. ??? 比例最低的是_____,仅占20%。 4) A ranks first,followed by B at 20% and C at 15%. ??? A占比例最大,其次是B占20%及C占15%。 5) The figure reached the highest/lowest point in _____. ??? 数据在_____时候达到最高点(最低点)。 ?描述对比 1) A has almost (nearly/about) over a quarter (half/twice/one third) as many students as (as much money as) B. A的学生数/钱(差不多)是B的四分之一/一半/两倍/三分之一/一样。 2) A has about (approximately/exactly/precisely) the same number (proportion/amount) of students (money) as B. A和B的学生/钱/数量/比例差不多/正好一样。 3) A has something in common with B. A与B有一些共同点。 4) The difference between A and B lies in _____. A与B的不同之处在于_____。 ?描述趋势 1) The number increased (/rose) suddenly (dramatically/rapidly/substantially/considerably/sharply) from _____ to _____.


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