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An Empirical Study On Residents’ Motivation To MICE Activities: 上海社区居民参与会展旅游动机的实证研究 ——An Example of Shanghai In China An Empirical Study On Residents’ Motivation To MICE Activities: 1. Introduction引言 1. Introduction引言 1. Introduction引言 2. Literature Review 文献综述 2. Literature Review 文献综述 2. Literature Review 文献综述 2. Literature Review 文献综述 3. Methodology研究设计及方法 3. Methodology研究设计及方法 -Time(时间):2007-2008 -The subjects of the survey(调查对象):Shanghai community residents上海社区居民 -The survey(问卷): 300 questionnaires ( The respondent rate is 87.2%). 3. Methodology研究设计及方法 3.4 Framework of this Research研究框架 4. Analysis of motivations 4. Analysis of motivations 4. Analysis of motivations 4.2 Factor Analysis 4. Analysis of motivations 4.3 Cluster Analysis聚类分析 5. Conclusions limitations Conclusions结论 5. Conclusions limitations Conclusions结论 5. Conclusions limitations Conclusions结论 5. Conclusions limitations Thank you for your attention! * Qian DENG 邓倩 Yingzhi GUO 郭英之 Lijia XIE 谢丽佳 Yunxia YE 叶云霞 Yanlin PEI 裴艳琳 Yong CHEN 陈勇 Fudan University ——An Example of Shanghai In China Content: Introduction引言 1 Literature Review文献综述 2 3 Analysis of motivations研究结果 4 Conclusions limitations结论与局限性 5 Methodology研究设计与方法 Fudan University MICE Meeting Convention Incentive Tour Event Exhibition Exposition MICE定义: Fudan University Organizer 组织者 Exhibitor 参展者 Attendee 观众 Suppliers Demanders 供给方 需求方 Fudan University The purpose of this study : 研究目的 Know more about the residents’ motivation to MICE activities 了解上海社区居民参与会展活动的动机 Provide some references for 提供参考给 Related Institutions MICE Enterprises 2.1 Overseas Literature Review 国外文献综述 Define a proper measuring tool. the relations between the motivations and the characteristics of demography. Compare the motivations among tourists to different destinations and of different nations. the relevance of variant Motivation Scales. the changes of motivations. the relevance of push-pull factors. Comparison among qualitative data of motivati


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