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中文摘要 不同文化条件下的商务谈判就是跨文化谈判。在世界经济日趋全球化的今天,随着国际间商务交往活动的频繁和密切,各国间的文化差异就显得格外的重要,否则将会引起不必要的误会,甚至可能直接影响商务交往的实际效果。这就意味着如何化解各国不同的文化背景在国际商务谈判中是非常重要的。文章从文化的定义入手,剖析了文化差异产生的原因。并从沟通过程、谈判风格、伦理与法制三个方面来阐述文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响。最后分析了如何让我们正确地处理在谈判过程中出现的文化差异的问题。本文强调这样的观点:在跨文化商务谈判中,谈判者应该接纳对方的文化,并努力使自己被接受;需要借助有效的沟通,在不损害双方利益的前提下做出正确的评价。在认识和接受文化差异的同时,要尽量淡化文化差异,这对于跨文化谈判的成功是非常重要的。 关键词:文化;文化差异;商务谈判;影响 Impacts of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations Abstract The business negotiations under different cultural conditions come to cultural negotiations. With the economic globalization and the frequent business contacts, cultural differences seem to be very important; otherwise they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding, even affect the result of the business negations. This means it is very important to know the different culture in different countries and the ways to avoid the culture conflicts in the international business negotiations. The article commences from the definition of the culture, analyzing the causes of cultural differences. Then from the three aspects of communication process, negotiation style, and legality, it explains the influence of cultural differences on international business negotiations. Finally it analyzes how to deal with the problem of the cultural differences correctly in negotiation process. Such a standpoint is emphasized: In the business negotiations between different countries, negotiators should accept the other partys culture, and try to make him be accepted; then make a correct evaluation with the help of valid communication and discover their real benefits between them. Besides, we should know clearly and try to accept the cultural differences as possible as we can. It is very important for the success of culture negotiations. Key words: Culture; Cultural difference;Business negotiation;Impact 一 引言 商务谈判作为人际交往中的特殊形式,必然涉及不同地域、民族、社会文化的交往与接触,从而导致跨文化谈判。在跨文化谈判中,不同地域、民族、文化的差异必将影响到谈判者的思维、谈判风格和行为,从而影响到整个谈判的进程。因此,从事商务活动尤其是跨国的商务活动必须了解和掌握不同文化间的联系与差异。在进


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