大英2unit 4专用课件.ppt

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Unit 4 The Professor and the Yo-Yo 爱因斯坦,德裔美国物理学家(拥有瑞士国籍),思想家及哲学家,犹太人,现代物理学的开创者和奠基人,相对论——“质能关系”的提出者,“决定论量子力学诠释”的捍卫者(振动的粒子)——不掷骰子的上帝.1999年12月26日爱因斯坦被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世纪伟人” Main idea Part 1 Number 1 Part 2 Number 2 -3 Part 3 Number 4-6 Part 4 Number 7-10 Warm –up 1 consider vt (尤指为作决定而)仔细考虑;细想 She considered her decision. The company is being considered as a partner. consider doing sth He is considering buying a new car. consider wh- She was considering what to do next 认为;以为;觉得 consider … (as)… He considers himself (as) an expert on the subject. Tome is considered to be a top student. Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident? 2 of all time 有史以来 3 quality n (好的)人品/素质/品德 Personal qualities mean honesty and generosity and so on. 4 appreciate v (不用于进行时)欣赏/赏视;重视 His talents aren’t fully appreciated in the company. 感谢; 欢迎 Your support is greatly appreciated. appreciate sb doing sth We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems. 5 admire v 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching. Text 1 modest a 谦虚的 The general (将军) was modest about his military (军队的) career. Asian women are more modest and shy, yet they tend (v倾向于) to have an inner force. 不太大(太贵/太重要等)的 They bought a modest house in the northern suburb. 2 ordinary a 普通的;通常的 They are ordinary people like you and me.  (Einstein was) Seen through the eyes of a young friend Einstein was a simple, modest and ordinary man. 通过爱因斯坦的一个小朋友的双眼看过去,爱因斯坦是一个简朴,谦虚的普通人. Part 1 Number 1 1 close a 亲密/密切的 She and her father are very close. a close friend of sb 2 make sb do (feel) … Sb be made to do (feel) … 3 ease n 安逸/自在 at ease = a 放松/舒服的 Donald was not at ease at such a big party. 4 show sb sth ; show sth to sb



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