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按可比价格计算 in terms of the comparable price
保持良好的贸易合作伙伴关系 keep a good trading partnership
报价 give a quotation
报价单 price quote
逼债 press somebody for payment of the debt
拨款 allocation/appropriation/grant
补偿贸易 compensation trade
不能再做让步 cannot make any further concession
财政支出 fiscal expenditure
采取务实的态度 adopt a pragmatic attitude
差价 price differentials/margin
产销结合 integrate production and sale
承包责任制 the contract-responsibility system
承担应有的义务 undertake the due obligations
出口结关 customs clearance
存款余额 deposit balance
大路货 fair average quality
担保函 letter of guarantee
独资企业 sole-funded company; company with exclusive investment
发挥各自优势 bring into play our respective advantages; maximize the strengths of both parties concerned
非配额产品 quota-free products
国债 state treasury bond
贯彻市场多元化的战略 implement the strategy of diversifying the market
供不应求 short supply
公道的价格 moderate price
股权比例 ownership ratio
各国之间的协调与共同努力 coordinated and common efforts of all nations
搞活企业 invigorate the enterprise
高附加值、优质和高新技术产品 high-value-added, high-quality and new and high-tech products
关税配额 tariff quotas
规模经营 scale operation
海关扣留 customs detention
还盘 counter-offer
季节性折扣 seasonal discount
急剧上涨 go up sharply; increase dramatically
见票即付 drawn at sight
建立经常贸易关系 establish regular trade relations
进出口经营权 the power to engage in import and export trade
竞投 competitive bidding
开标 tender opening
开展真诚有效的合作 carry out sincere and rewarding cooperation
可转让信用卡 transferable Letter of Credit
宽限期 grant a grace period
扩大出口能力 expand export capacity
来样加工 process according to buyer’s samples
龙头产业 flagship products
毛价 gross price
软环境 intangible infrastructure
商业习惯 business practice
商业信誉 business integrity
生效 go into effect, make effect, put into force
实施新世纪发展的宏伟蓝图 implement the blueprint for the development in the new century
树立品牌意识 build brand awareness
随行就市 fluct
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