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简明反垄断法法英文指南 Promoting Competition, Protecting Consumers: A Plain English Guide to Antitrust Laws TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface An Antitrust Primer Illegal Business Practices Maintaining or Creating a Monopoly Mergers Price Discrimination Frequently Asked Questions Keeping Markets Competitive 简明反托拉斯法英文指南 目录: 序 言 反托拉斯入门 非法商事行为 维持和引发垄断 合并 价格歧视 常见问题 保持市场竞争性 Preface 序言: The Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) share responsibility for enforcing laws that promote competition in the marketplace. Competition benefits consumers by keeping prices low and the quality of goods and services high. 联邦贸易委员会竞争署和司法部反托拉斯局共同负责实施促进市场竞争的法律。市场竞争则是通过保持商品的低价以及商品和服务的高质量使消费者受益。 The FTC is a consumer protection agency with two mandates under the FTC Act: to guard the marketplace from unfair methods of competition, and to prevent unfair or deceptive acts or practices that harm consumers. These tasks often involve the analysis of complex business practices and economic issues. When the Commission succeeds in doing both its jobs, it protects consumer sovereignty -- the freedom to choose goods and services in an open marketplace at a price and quality that fit the consumer’s needs -- and fosters opportunity for businesses by ensuring a level playing field among competitors. In pursuing its work, the FTC can file cases in both federal court and a special administrative forum. 联邦贸易委员会是在《联邦贸易委员会法》规制下并拥有其两项授权的一个消费者保护机构:一是引导市场避免不公平的竞争;二是杜绝有损消费者利益的不公平或欺骗性的市场行为。它的这些任务通常包括了分析复杂的市场交易行为和有关的经济问题。当委员会成功地完成其任务时,消费者的主权就得到了很好的保护:他们自由地选择商品;以合适的价格和品质在一个公开的市场上接受服务;并通过整平市场竞争者之间的游戏场地来培育商机。为了实现其职能,联邦贸易委员会拥有在联邦法院和一专门的行政法庭的立案权。 The FTC has prepared this booklet to help you understand the antitrust laws -- how they can benefit consumers, and how they can affect you if you operate a business. The booklet explains how antitrust laws can be violated, answers frequently asked questions about potential violations, describes how you can help



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