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计算机网络环形系统研究 摘要 介绍了光线通信网环形自愈保护系统的几种保护方式,自愈的概念以及单纤双纤保护环、通道保护环、复用段保护环的各自特点和保护原理。自愈是光同步数字传输网中一个突出的优点。它无需人为干涉,网络就能在极短的时间内从故障中自动恢复。目前,通信网络正逐步向着全光网络的方向演进,将实现在任意时间、任意地传送任意格式信号的理想目标。在光网络中传送的信息是高容量、高速率的,因此网络中任何一个网络元件的失效都会导致大量数据的丢失,光网络的生存性已经成为人们关注的焦点。如何实现高效的网络保护与恢复,如何实现网络的分布式并实现自愈保护以及保护带宽的智能动态分配以及如何使各保护结构实现互通等等都是今后光网络生存性技术发展的重点。 关键字 SDH,自愈环 光纤通信 复用段保护环 单纤和双纤保护环 Abstract Introduces the light from the ring network protection system, several ways to protect the concept of self healing and single fiber double fiber protection, channel protection for reuse, and protect the ring characteristics and protection principle. Since the light is a prominent synchronous digital transmission. It without manual intervention, the network can in a very short time automatically restored from failure. Currently, the communication network is gradually towards the direction of evolution of optical network at any time, will transmit arbitrary format, arbitrarily ideal target signal. In the light of the information network transmission capacity, high speed is high, so any network elements in the network of failure will lead to loss of data; the optical network survivability has become the focus of attention. How to realize efficient network protection and restoration, how to realize the network distributed and realize the self-healing protection and protect the bandwidth of the intelligent dynamic allocation, and how to make every protection structure are all future communication network survivability technology development of light. Key Word SDH, Self-healing ring, Optical fiber communication,Reuse period of protection, Single fiber for protection and double fiber protection rings 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc277415456 第一章 自愈的概念及分类 PAGEREF _Toc277415456 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc277415457 第一节 自愈的概念 PAGEREF _Toc277415457 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc277415458 第二节 自愈环的分类 PAGEREF _Toc277415458 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc277415459 第二章 通道保护环 PAGEREF _Toc277415459 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc277415460


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