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科技英语的翻译 Unit 13 Translation of EST (English for Science Technology) I. Style of EST 科技文体 专业性、客观性 规范性、准确性 用词准确 表达客观 条理清楚 内容确切 Internal memory is also called primary memory because it is the storage element that is accessed by the control unit for the programs and data elements currently active in the system. 内部存储器是由控制器进行存取且存放着系统当前正在运行的程序和数据的存储元件,因此也被称为主存储器。 In this application study, a small auto-cascade refrigeration system is designed and proved not to be interfered by the variable ingredient proportion of the refrigerants. Thus it can be applied to large refrigeration systems such as tuna refrigeration systems. 我们经过研究并且设计了一套小型自行复叠制冷实验装置。经实验,得出了该循环方式不受制冷剂配比影响的结论。使该技术可以方便地在大中型系统例如金枪鱼速冻与冷藏系统中推广使用。 技术文献指的是乙方具有的技术文件、图纸、照片、磁带等。乙方在合同有效期内,在自己产品的研制过程中,在合同产品的设计、计算、质量控制、安装、维护、测试过程中,开发和使用了这些文献。 Technical Documentation refers to the technical literatures, drawings, pictures, tapes, etc. that Party B has applied or developed for its own production as well as for designing, calculating, manufacturing, quality control, assembling installations, maintaining and testing of the Contract Products during the validity term of the contract. (Simple tense is often used.) 修正和改良的技术,所有权属修正、改良一方,对方不得去申请专利或转让给第三方。 The ownership for modification and improvement of the Contract Product shall belong to the Party having developed the aforesaid modification and improvement. The other Party shall not apply, for its own profit, for patent right or transfer the information of modification and improvement to third parties. (Modal verb is used) II. Formation of EST Terms 科技英语词汇的构成 1. Affixation(词缀法) 2. Compounding (合成法) 3. Blending (混成法) 4. Acronym (首字母缩略法) 5. Proper Names (专有名词法) 6. Abbreviation (缩略法) Continued III. Nominalization (名词化) Continued IV. Summing-up EST译名统一的基本原则 * * By PYSH EST词汇的词义相对单一,一词多义现象虽然存在,但相对少些。 EST词汇主要是通过如下英语构词法方法构成的:1.词缀法 (Affixation), 2.合成法(Compounding), 3.混成法(Blending), 4.首字母缩略法 (Acronym), 5.专有名词法(Proper Names), 6.缩略法 (Abbreviation) 等。 Examples:an


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