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An Introduction to Database System Liu Xiufeng Information and technology school Course Goals Content First course on database systems and data management in the IT collegecover mostly relational databases how to design and create such databases how to use them (via SQL query language) how to implement them (only briefly) will touch on some advanced issues XML data models, semi-structured data data integration Textbook : 数据库系统概论第四版 (An Introduction to Database System) 萨师煊、王珊 References: 1.Date C J, An Introduction to Database System (Ed.7), Addison-Wesley,2000 2.王珊,陈红:数据库系统原理教程, 清华大学出版社,2000 3.施伯乐,丁宝康,汪卫. 数据库系统教程(第2版). 高等教育出版社 4.丁宝康,董健全. 数据库实用教程(第2版). 清华大学出版社 Homeworks Some paper-based, some may involve light programming No late homework will be accepted ProjectSelect an application that needs a database Build a database application from start to finish Significant amount of programming Will be done in stages you will submit some work at the end of each stage Groups for Project and lecture Project will be done in group of 5-6 students a lot of work, difficult to design so that one person can not do all learn how to work in a group: valuable skills Try to form groups as soon as possible can start by posting requests on the class newsgroup If you have not formed groups by then we will help assign you to groups All group members receive same grading If someone drops out, the rest pick up the work Grading Breakdown Homework: 10% Class:10% Project: 10% Final: 70% The content of the course ? 基础篇 第一章:绪论(Introduction) 第二章:关系数据库(Relational Database) 第三章:关系数据库标准语言SQL( Structured Query Language) 第四章:数据库安全性(Database Safety) 第五章:数据库完整性(Database Integrity) ? 设计篇 第六章:关系数据理论(Relational Theory) 系统篇 第七章:数据库设计(Database Design) 第八章:关系系统及其查询优化(Query Optimizing) 第九章:数据库恢复技术(Database Recovering) 第十章:并发控制(Concurrent Control) Chapter 1.1: Introduction Purpose of Database Systems View of Data Data Models Data Definition Language Data Manipulation Language