Dostoyevsky Literary Devices Crime and Punishment陀思妥耶夫斯基的文学手法罪与罚.pptVIP

Dostoyevsky Literary Devices Crime and Punishment陀思妥耶夫斯基的文学手法罪与罚.ppt

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Dostoyevsky Literary Devices- Crime and Punishment and The Idiot Ben Horner Tone – Crime and Punishment Book often shifts tone: frantic and confusing (prior to and directly after murders) Intimate (during Raskolnikov’s conversations with his mother Hopeful (Raskolnikovs confession and rebirth) Tone - The Idiot Straight-forward Hopeful, with some pessimistic views-people can be inherently evil Shows eventual failure Imagery- Crime and Punishment The Neva serves to reflect Raskolnikovs life: he must cross it to find freedom it is calm-as his life may one day be Raskolnikov often relies on water to cleanse him and as he falls further into delirium the less effect the water has Stagnant water during Raskolnikov’s fourth dream represents his inability to escape his insanity Final delirium shows Raskolnikov sitting along the Neva- finally at peace Imagery-the Idiot Uses imagery to describe characters: “their complexions generally appeared to have taken on the colour of the fog outside.”, “grey, fiery eyes” Voice – Crime and Punishment Raskolnikov is primary focalizer- His point of view is adopted by third person narrator Much of the book can be seen as Raskolnikov’s monologue Dialogue also plays a key role in moving events along and revealing motives Dostoyevsky also gave the reader insight into Raskolnikovs dreams Voice - The Idiot Communicates much of the book through conversation Lacks any major plot-narrator plays diminished role as a result Irony - Crime and Punishment Sonia is a prostitute but also helps Raskolnikov find salvation Raskolnikov only finds freedom once he has been sentenced Raskolnikov thought he was making the world a better place by killing Alyona Ivanovna Irony – The Idiot Only irony was found in fact that Prince Myshkin, the only truly positive character, eventually fails * *


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