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Barro Chapter 1 TRUE/FALSE 1. Macroeconomists study the amount of employment and unemployment. 错。宏观经济学研究的是一个国家的全面的或总的经济运行情况。我们研究以GDP衡量的一个国家的总的商品和服务的产值是如何决定的。我们将GDP分解为各个重要的组成部分并进而分析他们:消费、总投资、政府采购的商品和服务、以及商品和服务的净出口。我们还要考察就业和失业。 2. Macroeconomists study the price of individual products like beer. 错。我们考察一个国家中生产的商品和服务的美元价格。我们考察一个典型的或平均的价格时,我们指的是一般物价水平,我们也研究工资率、租赁价格、利率。我们研究一个以上国家的经济时,我们可以研究汇率。研究单个产品的价格只是一种商品的价格而已。 3. When the gross domestic product is growing, it is called inflation. 错。通胀指物价水平的持续地上涨,商品和服务的价格一直在增长或维持在一个很高的价位。 4. A recession is when GDP is falling toward a trough. 当实际GDP下降或跌到低谷时,经济就处于衰退期。当实际GDP增加并向高点或顶点移动时,经济就处于景气期,或称经济扩张。 5. If price is below equilibrium in a market, then quantity supplied will be less than quantity demanded. 对。 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Macroeconomics deals with: B C a. how individual markets work. b. the overall performance of the economy. c. relative prices in different markets. d. substitution of one good for another good. 2. Macroeconomics includes the study of:A a. the general price level. c. the relative price of goods. b. the price of individual goods. d. all of the above. 3. Macroeconomists study:D a. the determination of the economy’s total production. b. unemployment c. the general price level. d. all of the above. 4. Macroeconomists study:A a. the determination of real GDP. b. the production of specific goods. c. the relative production in different markets. d. all of the above. 5. Among the prices that macroeconomist study are:D a. the price of coffee. c. the interest rate. b. the price of tea. d. all of the above. 6. Among the prices that macroeconomists study are:D a. the wage rate. c. the exchange rate. b. the interest rate. d. all of the above. 7. Monetary policy involves:abcd a. the government’s expenditure. c. determining the quantity of money. b. taxation. d. the fiscal deficit. 8. The unemployment rate is: a. the fraction of the population wit


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