航海英语2580 17051800.docVIP

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[1705] The section of each end of a barge which is heavily reinforced 大大加强to take the pressure压力 of pushing is called the ______. headlog B. towhead C. collision bulkhead D. Bullnose KEY: A驳船的的每一个部分都加强了以接受推力的叫做Headlog。 [1706]The set of the ocean current 海洋流is caused by______. A.density differences of the water 水密度 B.rotation of the earth地球自转 C.direction of primary circulation of air 大气环流引起的 D.all of the above KEY: D洋流是由水密度,地球自转,大气环流引起的。 [1707] The ship ______ on a low rock 岩石was broken in two by the waves风浪. A. that had been driven 搁浅 B. had been driven C. have been driven D. which to have been driven KEY: A搁浅在浅处岩石上的船在风浪中断成了两段。 [1708]The ship can leave the port______the joint inspection. before B.after C.at D.From KEY: B联合检查以后船舶可以离开港口。 [1709]The ship is not very stable,please______when making a turn. A.stop down B.speed down C.slow down 降速,减速 D.down slow KEY: C船舶不是非常稳定,请在旋回是降速。 [1710] The ship is now too much listing to portside. I suggest that you ______ light cargo on portside and heavy cargo on starboard side. will put B. would put C. put 放 D. shall put KEY: C船体现在向左倾斜的太多。我建议你轻货放在左舷,重货放在右舷。 [1711] The ship is rolling and pitching violently, and shipping a large quantity of sea water on deck { at times } from time to time B. at this time C. at one time D. Infrequently KEY: A船舶横摇纵摇激烈并经常甲板大量上浪。 [1712] The ship should anchor抛锚 ______ waiting for the boarding officer. A. at the waiting anchorage B. at the boarding Officers anchorage C. in the necessary dredged channel D. in the designated quarantine anchorage KEY: A船舶应锚泊在侯泊锚地等待登船官员。 [1713] The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded装 or unloaded 卸货______. A. only when the cargo is within its rail B. during the time when loading or unloading is going on C. after the cargo is checked


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