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商务英语翻译练习答案(完整版) Unit 5 词汇与短语 人事主管/总监 2.副主任 3.秘书长 4.集团公司 5.行政管理办公室 6.售后服务部 7.公安局 8.副教授 9.总裁兼生产主管 10.代厂长 11.Special Correspondent 12.Honorary Chairman 13. South Shaoshan Road 14.No.12, North Baochu Rd., Beijing, China 15.Vice-minister Limited company (Co., Ltd.) 17.Ministry of Communications 18. Investment Consultant 19.Sales Executive 20.Building Designer 句子与段落 交换名片的礼仪同握手的礼仪相似:通常是年长者或职位高 者采取主动。 不要乱发你的名片,不然你不是令你的名片贬值,就是使它们没有发挥应有的作用。你应问问你自己,对方是否需要它以便在今后同你联系。最好比实际需要稍微多分发一些。 3.花钱买一个好的名片盒是明智的。 4.会议大厅的商务中心提供各种秘书服务工作。 5.比较典型的英语名片的翻译个案中,显而易见的名片翻译方法和技巧表明名片英语翻译需要译者的语言、文化、艺术的综合能力。 此文通过一些实例的运用从专业、语境、文化习惯方面,探讨了正确理解和选择商务英语词汇是保证商务翻译质量的前提和基础。 国务院以下各级国家机关由委、部、司、局、处、所、科、中心、室等组成。 她是美国国际法学学会的前任会长,她同时还是美国对外关系委员会成员,美国艺术与科学学会成员。 国务院研究室副主任侯云春被任命为国务院发展研究中心副主任。 10. 美国驻华大使馆教育文化处美国教育交流中心 金 大 友 主 任 地址:北京朝阳区呼家楼京广中心 2801 邮编:100020 电话:(010)6579-3242转202 传真:(010)6597-3247 电子邮件:DAJenks@pd.state.gov Giving some one your card, of course, does not obligate you to continue contact, nor does accepting someone else’s card. Accept politely any card that is offered, and then, later, throw it away. When you are not physically present, you can let your card “represent” you. For instance, enclose it when forwarding material with brief note, or when you send a business letter to someone you plan to contact in the future. Before joining Manpower, Lucille was the Operations and Human Resources Manager of UPS Taiwan. Lucille possesses an MBA degree from the California State University, USA. Make sure your cards are readily available---in a pocket or briefcase. Not only does a qualified case keep the cards neat, but it adds to your professional demeanor. Inside was a business card with an address, a date and a time on it. No name. Capitalize the names of specific companies, associations, societies, commissions, schools, political parties, clubs, religious groups, and government agencies and bureaus. Capitalize the names of countries and major geographic areas, streets, parks, rivers, sh


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