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Wedding Location For Chinese people, the wedding is going to host a grand lively, inviting many friends and relatives, so it is usually chosen the convenient and spacious courtyard or hotel. In western , weddings are generally held in churches or other quiet place, and it is in perfect order , but not as good as Chinese wedding is so lively. Wedding Dress In china , the main colors of the wedding is red, which is representative of festive colors, the bride usually wears a red dress. In the West, the bride usually wear a white wedding, the groom to wear white or black suit. Wedding ceremony In china 1. The bridegroom bride wedding arrive 新郎到达新娘家迎亲 2. Lift sedan 抬花轿 3. Arrive next car, the bride wedding location 到达婚礼地点,新娘下轿 4. A bride (parents, bride, two worship couple worship) 拜天地(一拜天地,二拜父母,夫妻对拜) 5. The groom lift the brides hejaab 新郎掀新娘的盖头 6. Drink JiaoBeiJiu 喝交杯酒 1. Minister addressed 主婚人致辞 In Western: 2. New vow to marry each other 新人互致结婚誓言 3.Exchange rings 交换戒指 4. Wedding dyslexia 婚礼诵读 6. Declared married 宣告成婚 5. Sign engagement written 签写婚约 all shall be well,and Jack shall have Jill.(有情人终成眷属)。 No matter Chinese wedding or Western-style wedding , THANK YOU FOR WATCHING


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