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  画眉田庄 Perhaps the most haunting and tormented love story ever written, Wuthering Heights is the tale of the troubled orphan Heathcliff and his doomed love for Catherine Earnshaw. Published in 1847, the year before Emily Brontes death at the age of 30, Wuthering Heights has proved to be one of the nineteenth centurys most popular yet disturbing masterpieces. The windswept moors are the unforgettable setting of this tale of the love between the foundling Heathcliff and his wealthy benefactors daughter, Catherine. Through Catherines betrayal of Heathcliff and his bitter vengeance, their mythic passion haunts the next generation even after their deaths. Incorporating elements of many genres - from gothic novels and ghost stories to poetic allegory - and transcending them all, Wuthering Heights is a mystifying and powerful tour de force.  本片讲述了一个爱情与复仇的离奇故事。19世纪,在英国约克郡一个阴沉的荒原边上,名叫希斯克利夫的一个吉普赛男孩,被迪恩先生带到咆哮山庄。他得到主人之女凯西的钟爱,凯西在爱的同时,又无法拒绝自己想过优裕生活的愿望,而能提供这种生活条件的,却是邻居艾德加·林顿。希斯克利夫无意中得知后,悄然离去,凯西在愁苦心情中嫁给了林顿。   几年后希斯克利夫风度翩翩地回来了,林顿的妹妹伊贝拉爱上了他,他买下了呼啸山庄,他与伊莎贝拉结婚以后,希斯克利夫的冷淡无情使伊莎贝拉很快枯萎掉谢,凯西也因为悲伤过度而濒临死亡。希斯克利夫在凯西弥留之际来到她身边,把她抱到窗前姚望那方岩石——童年时代那曾是他们的“城堡”凯西说她等待着,总有一天他们会团圆,然后死去。      希斯克利夫心神错乱,在哀悼凯、期待死亡中捱过了20年。他对周围一切人都极端轻蔑、百般折磨,直到凯西的幽灵在一个严冬的雪夜把他召唤到他们最喜爱的荒原上某个地方,在死亡中重新聚会……   He said to Catherine, who almost collapsed of pain:...... Why you despised me? Why did you cheat your own heart? Cathy? I dont have a word of comfort, you deserve it. You kill yourself... I didnt break your heart - you cracked it by your own and in cracking it, you put mine also broken in pieces...(Emily Bronte, 1999: 99). Heathcliff thinks that Lintons 8-years love to Catherine cannot compare with the whole body and mind he loves Catherine for one day After Catherine died, her ghost has been in the desert and unwilling to leave, waiting for Heathcliff. The hero and heroines love is superabundant and their souls are born together. Their love and long for each other is fervent, wild and thrilling with strong artistic appea


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