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William Faulkner (1897-1962) Contents Brief Introduction Born in New Albany, Mississippi and grew in Oxford, Mississippi. Joined the Canadian and the British, Royal Air Force during the First World War. Studied for a while at the University of Mississippi in 1919. Worked in Hollywood for 20 years. Died in1962 after suffering from a coronary occlusion.(心肌梗塞) As an American writer of novels, short stories, poetry and occasional screenplays, Faulkner was regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. He is considered one of the most important writers of the Southern Literature of the United States. American Southern Literature 一般是指美国南北战争后出现在南方的一种严肃而带有悲剧性的文学,它也被称为南方文艺复兴(Southern Renaissance) American southern literature can date back to Edgar Allen Poe, and reach its summit with the appearance of the two “giants” – Faulkner and Wolfe. Characteristics: the aristocratic lifestyle on the Plantation; in defense of or criticizing the slavery; the superiority of the White; a nostalgic feeling to the prosperous past. 南方作家重视家庭、宗教和传统道德观念,对南方的过去和现在有着深刻思考,重农轻工,对工业文明有强烈疏远和排斥.    约克纳帕塔法世系 威廉·福克纳一生共写了19部长篇小说与近百篇短篇小说,其中15部长篇与绝大多数短篇的故事都发生在约克纳帕塔法县,称为约克纳帕塔法世系。这个“世系”以美国南方几个庄园主世家的荣辱兴衰为主线,表现了一个世纪以来美国南方社会的历史命运、社会变迁以及各阶层人物的起伏沉浮,写出了美国南方地区的典型特征,具有浓厚的乡土气息。约克纳帕塔法是福克纳作品的标志,是文学史上有名的虚构地点之一,原型是他故乡所在的拉斐特郡(Lafayette)。 Literary Career: Tree Stages William Faulkner’s works are regarded as the summit of Southern literature. 19 novels 4 volumes of short stories 2 volumes of poetry The Early Period (1924-1929) Novels: ·1926 Soldiers Pay《军饷》 ·1927 Mosquitoes《蚊群》 ·1929 Sartoris《萨托里斯》 (The first book of Yoknapatawpha Saga) ·1929 The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》 (The Most Celebrated Novel) Poetry: ·1924 The Marble Faun《大理石牧神》(The first book of poems) The Creative Period (1930-1942) Novels: ·1930 As I Lay Dying《我弥留之际》 ·1931 Sanctuary《圣殿》 ·1932 Light in August《八月之光》 ·1935 Pylon《塔门》 ·1


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