Resume 写作模板_图文.ppt

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Unit 1 Resume 写作模板 * 焚捻迭磁庆执豹谊柜测敦坎桂海凡批叼奥肠行废剁玖淤角霍尚刨咐墙泰概Resume 写作模板_图文Resume 写作模板_图文 Guided writing Clear: Organized logically; the key information accessible and easy to read Concise :Not including too many details; probably one and a half or two pages (unless this is a more senior job and you have a lot of experience) Focused: Clearly relevant and appropriate for the specific job Truthful: Factually correct; avoiding any false or greatly exaggerated claims Writing a good resume Which of the following points do you think most important for a good resume? Why? 骸渤逞吮舱倪凛恤洲碎赞架黄佃眯溪昏旅会念太穴最墩拟溅郎蜜耸遭绝嗽Resume 写作模板_图文Resume 写作模板_图文 Guided writing Sample 1 Write a resume in English for one of the different purposes Purpose: A summer job in an English-speaking country Position applied for: Summer job as an assistant working with children on an adventure holiday camp in Britain Personal information Name, address, date of birth, gender, email, mobile phone … Work experience Part-time: Assistant teacher of English at Express English College, Wuhan (Weekends, 2008, 2009); Tour guide for Easy Tours, Wuhan, (summer, 2007) More 吻苦短群恶彪蟹扇关闺跺笋厚署响码兰钾孟骏肠栽裤兴形玛琐兢萄谰翔昧Resume 写作模板_图文Resume 写作模板_图文 Guided writing Sample 1 Voluntary: English-teaching volunteer for the University’s South China village English-teaching; Volunteer Project (SCVEVP), Guangdong (summers, 2008, 2009); Volunteer guide for athletes during the Beijing Olympics ( summer 2008) Educational qualifications and training BA in English (awarded 2010); Intermediate Football Coaching (2009); Piano Grade VIII (with distinction)(2006) Personal skills Teamwork and leadership skills: University First Football team (2007-2009), team captain (2009); team leader for 25 volunteers for SCVEVP (summers, 2008, 2009) More 扛恳预枣赋太旬抡钡苯结葱院育厂嚎普董胶盆其俏腹刚拆褐滩奏刁绒儿虱Resume 写作模板_图文Resume 写作模板_图文 Guided writing Sample 1 Languages: English (CET-6 passed 2008), intermediate spoken French, basic Italian. Intercultural skills: Developed when working with America


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