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问卷设计与测试的实践 Experiment with Questionnaire Design and Testing at NBS Service Survey Center of NBS Tian Xiuhua October, 2008 Outline 简介 Introduction 问卷设计面临的挑战 Challenges for Questionnaire design 问卷设计所考虑的因素 Factors to consider 问卷设计中疑难问题的处理 Treatment of difficult issues in questionnaire design 问卷测试 Testing of Questionnaire 问卷的修订 Improvement of Questionnaire 结论 Conclusion 问卷效果 Evaluation of Questionnaire 简介 Introduction 在中国的企业调查中,过去通常使用的是全面报表的形式,我们最近的试点调查首次非常规范地进行了问卷的设计和测试。 In NBS business surveys, the tradition has been to use forms that are closer to report tables than actual questionnaires and that the current pilot survey is a first in questionnaire design and testing . 简介 Introduction 为改进中国的经济统计工作,中国、加拿大两国政府签署了中加统计信息管理项目二期。首先从服务业开始,最终扩大到所有行业。作为第一步试点调查,进行了问卷的改进和测试。 To assist the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS) improve its economic statistics program, An agreement named STATISTICAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROJECT (SIMP II), was signed by Canada and China. Business surveys are being expanded, starting with the services industry. As a first step, a pilot survey has been designed and conducted and for this survey a questionnaire was developed and tested. 问卷设计面临的挑战 Challenges for Questionnaire design 将问卷设计原则与中国的实际情况相结合。中国的个体户没有核算基础,如何设计问卷才能获得高质量的数据? Combine the principles of questionnaire design and the actual situation of china. In china, self-employed businesses usually do not keep accounting books with themselves, so how to design the questionnaire in order to obtain high-quality data? 问卷设计面临的挑战 Challenges for Questionnaire design 用户需求与资源(人力、物力和时间等)之间关系的权衡。企业调查主要为核算服务,还为其他用户提供数据,用户希望调查分类越细越好,统计部门无论从人力、物力和时间上都不允许,就需要权衡取舍。 Take into account user’s requirements and resources (such as human, financial, time, etc.) Except servicing for national accounting mainly, enterprise survey should also provide data for other users. Users will like to obtain more detailed categorical data, but the statistical agency can not agree to prod


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