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This Is English 2 Unit 22 Sport Study Aims: 1、 Some vocabulary relating to sport; 2、 Comparative and superlative adjectives; 3、 How to use adverb; 4、 How to form and use the present perfect; 5、 The use of V+ing. Important points: 1、 Some vocabulary relating to sport; 2、 Comparative and superlative adjectives; 3、 How to form and use the present perfect. 棒球 太极 高尔夫 板球 冰球 体操 滑雪 瑜伽 慢跑 保龄球 Tai Chi ice hockey yoga bowling jogging skiing cricket gymnastics baseball golf He often plays football with a group of friends. 他经常和几个朋友一起踢足球。 和play搭配的运动: play basketball play ice hockey play cards play chess 和do搭配的运动: do gymnastics do aerobics do Tai Chi do Kung Fu play, go, do与运动项目的搭配 play:一般与球类运动以及棋牌类活动搭配,play常与game搭配使用; go:与涉及身体移动的体育活动搭配使用,通常用go doing的形式; do:do some sports 和需要进过反复练习才能掌握的,具有技巧性的活动搭配使用。 Dialogue: Mary: Mike it’s time to go to the gym, otherwise we’ll be late. Mike: I’m-m. I’m not coming to that. Mary: not coming? Mike: No. I decide to stay at home this evening. I’m really tired of doing gymnastics. Mary: But you told me you really enjoyed it last week. Mike: Yes,I did. But now I want to go swimming. I think swimming makes me feel relaxing. Mary: No. Maybe you’ll try to play cards tomorrow. You are always too lazy. every day/week/month/year every morning/afternoon/evening every Monday/Tuesday every four days/three days (1) 0% 100% never occasionally sometimes often usually always 从不 偶尔 有时 经常 通常 总是 频度副词在句中放在行为动词之前,宾语之后或放在句首。 规则形容词的比较级和最高级 不规则形容词的比较级和最高级 常见比较级句型 常见最高级句型 Exercises: 1)If there were no examinations,we should have ___ at school.   A. the happiest time   B. a more happier time   C. much happiest time  D.a much happier time 2)Mr. Li is one of ______ in the hospital. A. most popular doctors B. the most popular doctors C. most popular docto


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