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主页面 Before Reading-warm up Think: What benefits and differences may a couple from different cultures have in your opinion? 2. What is the most important in marriage? 3. What is your opinion about divorce? Before Reading-warm up Before Reading-understanding the text Listen and try to answer the following questions. Before Reading-background information 1 Why a wedding ring? ? Before Reading-background information 2 Before Reading-background information 2 Before Reading-background information 2 Global Reading-main idea Text Structure Analysis Detailed Reading-language points compromise [C, U] an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first 妥协;折中 v. Reach an agreement by making a compromise 妥协;折中 Both sides are determined to get what they want, and there seems to be no possibility of compromise. 双方都决心要得到各自所要求的东西,似乎没有妥协的可能性。 Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner. 时刻准备心甘情愿地在你和伙伴的需求之间找一个折中的解决方法。 NOTES: reach a compromise / make compromises between A and B 在A和B之间达成妥协 Detailed Reading-language points subtle Not easy to notice or understand 微妙的,难以捉摸的 After what has happened to him in the last year, his whole attitude towards life has undergone a subtle change. 发生了去年的事情之后,他整个的人生态度都有了微妙的 化。 His attempt to offer us a bribe was not exactly subtle. 他要对我们行贿的意图并不十分隐晦。 Detailed Reading-language points hatred n. [U] a strong feeling of dislike for sb. Or sth. 痛恨,憎恨 She is full of hatred for the driver who killed her child. 她对那个杀死了她孩子的司机充满了憎恨。 Hatred is a toxic which poisons the mind and it makes people unhappy and exhausts the huge power which strives for great success. 憎恨是毒化精神的毒剂,它使人得不到快乐,并且把争取 功的巨大能量耗尽。 NOTES: hate Detailed Reading-language points illusion n. [C] a false idea, belief or impression 幻觉;错觉 The Sun appears to go around the Earth, but in fact that is only an illusion. 太阳似乎


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