高一英语牛津译林版必修4 精品单元学案 unit2 sporting events.doc

高一英语牛津译林版必修4 精品单元学案 unit2 sporting events.doc

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高一英语牛津译林版必修4 精品单元学案 unit2 sporting events.doc

Unit 2 sporting events单元学案 学习目标 1.词汇:delighted, briefly, athlete, compete, separate, honour, god, peacefully, well-known, medal, light, flame, ceremony, superstar, record, contribution, absence, female, excite, joy, attempt, limit, movement, glorious, international, committee, state, retire, host, stadium, itself, transport, fan, coach, otherwise, activity, joke, meet, continent, ensure, branch, 2。词组、短语:take part in, in honour of, side by side, break the record, make contributions to, plenty of, play a role in, keep...under control 3.语法、结构: 1.Introduction to modal verbs He can run the l00m sprint in 11 seconds. You must work hard to win the gold medal. He is injured but may take part in the games. Can you help me with my training? The boys may be playing football on the playground. 2.The usage of some modal verbs can and be able to shall and will mustnt and neednt need and dare 4.技能指导: 1 read a speech about the history of the Olympics and an article about how a sport gets into the Olympics 2 listen for specific information 3 talk about the Olympic Games 4 present a speech about entering a new sport into the Olympics 5 expand vocabulary related to sports and sporting events 合作探究 Welcome to the unit 1. 导入:In Welcome to the unit, six pictures are presented to students. Each one focuses on a popular sport. Sport plays a very important role in our lives. We see or do sports almost ever)/day. Look at the six pictures. Are you familiar with these sports? What do you think of first when you see pictures like these? (Olympic Games, sports meeting keep fit…) 教师和学生以(Picture of table tennis)进行一次讨论,然后学生进行模仿分组活动。(The teacher starts a discussion with the students. After that the students have discussions about the other five pictures.in groups.) The teacher may begin the activity like this: 活动内容可按下面的模式进行。 Can you play table tennis? Do you like it? When did you begin to play table tennis? How often do you play it? Who do you play


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