Enduring Love:The Couples Still in Love After 50 Years Together持久的爱:50年之后依然相恋.docVIP

Enduring Love:The Couples Still in Love After 50 Years Together持久的爱:50年之后依然相恋.doc

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Enduring Love:The Couples Still in Love After 50 Years Together持久的爱:50年之后依然相恋.doc

Enduring Love:The Couples Still in Love After 50 Years Together持久的爱:50年之后依然相恋   爱情,是个神秘的词汇。而说到永恒之爱,大多数人可能会质疑它的存在。世界上真有这样的爱情吗?一组婚龄至少在50年以上的多对老年夫妻照片证明,真爱不会随时间流逝。   Love as Her Grandparents   宛如祖父母的爱恋   For the past six years Lauren Fleishman has been cap-turing the moments between couples that tell the story of a lifetime spent together.Fleishman,an American photographer living in Paris,began the project when her grandfather died.I found a book next to his bed that had love letters in it,she says.They were love letters he had written to my grand-mother during World War II.   Fleishman says the letters revealed a side of her grand-father that was new to her:as a young man with his whole life ahead of him.The letters spoke of a young love,she says,the type that was filled with the expectations and the joy of the life they wereabout to embark on together.   Fleishman decided to photo-graph and interview couples who had been married for longer than 50 years. She began by going toseniordances in Brooklyn,where she lived,and would seek couples who looked like her own grandparents.At the time I realised I was no longer a granddaughter-my grandfather had been my last living grandparent-and I definitely felt a sense of loss.Fleishman found that as well as providing rich material for her book,The Lovers,spending time with these people who told her their stories and baked her cakes gave her some sort of comfort at a time when she was grieving.   The point of the project,Fleishman says,was to portray these men and women as they see themselves:not asold people,but as people who are still in love after 50,60 years.I wasnt looking at them in terms of their age,she says.I was looking at them in terms of their love.Theyre not really photographs of old people.Theyre photographs of people in love.   Its certainly true that we dont often see images of people in their seventies and eighties in which their age or infirmity isnt the focus.But in Fleishmans photographs you can se


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