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* Reading Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within 3 words) for Senior 2 13-14学年第11期 How should you hug (P4) 辽宁大连开发区八中 程国良 Presentation What is body language? Body language is movements of your body and your fingers that can show or reveal your true feelings and what you want to really express to others. Lets play a guessing game. What does this gesture mean? If you want to tell others you need some water, what can you do without speaking? ... Skimming Look through the passage and find out: What does the article mainly talk about? For whom are some useful tips provided? The general principles of hugging in the US. Those who are not comfortable with hugging. Reading Read the passage carefully and judge whether the following statements are true or false. 1. People have different attitudes toward hugging in the US. 2. Hugging is generally a thing males do in the US. 3. All Americans enjoy hugs to celebrate victories. 4. American men favor the A-frame hug. Females can either shake or hug to greet each other. In daily life, there are lots of people just a bit reserved in expressions of physical intimacy. Reading Read the passage carefully and judge whether the following statements are true or false. 5. American women prefer hugging to shaking hands. 6. You shouldn’t take it seriously if someone refuses to hug you. 7. Directing people’s attention away is a good way to escape a hug. 8. The author suggests not refusing the potential hugger with words. Everyone has his or her own personal sense of boundaries. Deny: “Sorry, I’m not much of a hugger.” Vocabulary 1. 在时间的表述中,经常用所有格(Possessives)。 2. 我弟弟喜欢商店橱窗的那件羊毛衫的。 3. 他们可以接受,也可以拒绝您的邀请。 4. 一定要让广告牌牢固,以防脱落。 5. 我希望你不会对我的坦率生气。 6. 我们坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 Translate the following with a word or phrase extracted from the article. Vocabulary 1. 在时间的表述中,经常用所有格(Possessives)。 2. 我弟弟喜欢商店橱窗的那件羊毛衫的。 3. 他们可以接受,也可以拒绝您的邀请。 4. 一定要让广告牌牢固,以防脱落。 Translate the following with a word or phrase extracted from the



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