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考研英语第二十一句 This prosperous community is the picture of the good and ever longer life — just what policymakers have in mind when they say that raising the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare is a fair way to rein in the nation’s troublesome debt. 词汇突破:prosperous繁荣的 Eligibility有资格的;符合条件的;有能力的 (Someone who is eligible to do something iqualified or able to do it, for example because they are old enough. most half the population are eligible to vote in todays election...大约有一半人有资格参加今天的选举投票。 rein in = control 控制 主干识别:Thisp rosperous community is the picture of the good and ever longer life 其他成分:What 做前面整个句子的同位语;同时做后面句子中have 的宾语; when they say that raising the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare is a fair to rein in the nation’s troublesome debt.状语从句; 同时有一个that 引导的宾语句; 参考译文: 这样一种繁荣的社区正是高质量和更长寿生活的写照。决策者们认为提高享受 社保和医保的资格年龄会是控制国家糟糕的债务状况的正当之道,那时他们脑海中有的也 正是这样一幅图画。 翻译点拨: 句子好理解翻译不好做,在理解正确的前提下表达通顺就好了;能单独成句的 就单独成句吧。 考研英语第二十二句 Those who remain content with Putinism should heed it, and see that, when the interests of the powerful are at stake,their rulers have no compunction about compromising their economic and political well being 词汇突破:heed 注意到 At stake 处于危险之中 Compunction 内疚,懊悔,后悔 Compromise 妥协,退让,出让,损害 The powerful 有权势的人 Well being 利益 句子主干:those should heed it and see that+从句 其他成分: when the interests of the powerful are atstake, (宾语从句中的状语从句) their rulers have no compunction about compromising their economicand political well being (宾语从句的主干) 参考译文:那些对于普京主义感到满意的人应该注意到这点,同时,也应该认识到当权贵们的利益有危险的时候,统治者们会毫无愧疚地去出让这些人的经济和政治利益的。 翻译: 对于英语中的代词不一定都得翻译出来,尤其是their, his等形容词的物主代词,很多时候不用翻译出来。 说明: 考研的文章虽然不会考和政治相关的文章,但是这个句子句式和词汇都不错。 Emerging model 新兴模式 It is time to start caring the sharing. 是时候去关心分享了。(押韵) 考研英语第二十三句 A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to more imperial policy, dominated by expansioni


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