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纺织工程毕业论文 功能性纺织品的市场开发 专 业 纺织工程 纺织工程毕业论文 摘 要 目前,我国印染行业的绝大多数属加工型企业,少数情况较好的企业至多也只能算经营 型企业,从国际上企业发展阶段的划分标准看来,均属于企业发展的低级阶段,距品牌型企 业有很大的距离,何况,其后尚有文化型和战略型企业的高级阶段,这样的企业只适应物资 短缺的经济时期。加工型企业不具备市场运作能力,由于没有自己的品牌,缺乏市场的拓展 能力,其次加工型企业不具备产品开发能力以及缺乏无形资产创造能力。本文分析了我国在 功能性纺织品开发过程中存在的差距,以及功能性纺织品的市场需求、检测和评价体系、纺 织品功能整理剂的功能性、安全性和环保性等问题;阐述了功能性纺织品开发途径、主要功 能性纺织品和功能纺织品的加工整理技术;一些功能性纺织品新标准和图文标识的制定和使 用情况及功能性纺织品的市场开发。 关 键 词: 功能性整理 标准 检测 纤维 纺织品 I 纺织工程毕业论文 Abstract At present, the majority of dyeing processing enterprises, a few cases of good enterprise at also can count on international management enterprise, enterprise development stages from the division standard, all belong to enterprise development stage, the lower from brand enterprises have great distance, besides, still argumentation and strategic enterprise a higher stage, such enterprises adapted shortages of the economy. The processing enterprises do not have market operation ability, because no brand, lack of market development ability, secondly the processing enterprises has not product development ability and creation ability of intangible assets. This paper analyses the development process of functional textiles inthe existing gap, and functional textile market demand, testing and evaluation system, and the function of textile finishing agent, safety and environmental protection function; etc. Expounds functional textile development ways, main functional textiles and textile processing technology function, Some functional textiles and new standards formulated anduse of the mark andfunctional textilemarket development. Keywords: Functionalfinishing Standard Testing Fibre Textiles


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