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名词 专有: 人/事物/地点/机构 Tianjin France the Great Wall Chinese 普通: 一类人/事物 固有名称 个体: student table 物质: water air rain 抽象(动作, 状态, 品质): future help health 集合: class people family 表示的事物的性质 可数: a pen two boxes (可直接用数字计算的) 不可数 ink work 用量数+of 表示数量 a piece of paper; a bottle of water; three cups of tea Here is a bottle of wine. There are four glasses of milk. I need a box of apples. There are two baskets of eggs on the table. 可数名词: 单数 复数: 规则与不规则 规则: 直接 + s maps bags 以s x sh ch 结尾 + es brushes watches boxes buses 辅音字母 + y 结尾, 把y 变 i + es cities families (boys) 以f, fe 结尾, 把f, fe 变 v + es knives leaves (roofs, handkerchiefs) 以o 结尾 + es potatoes tomatoes (pianos, photos, radios) 不规则: children feet teeth mice men women Frenchmen (Germans, human beings) 单复数一样: Chinese Japanese fish deer sheep 形式单数意义复数: cattle police people The people here are very friendly. 以复数形式出现: clothes, glasses, shoes, stockings, trousers His clothes are over there. 名词所有格: 有生命的东西的名词 + ‘s 表示谁的 Tom’s friends; the students’ books; the teacher’s office; the students’ reading room 表几个人共有一样东西: Bei and Rong’s room is very clean. 表各自所有: Liu’s and Peng’s mothers are both teachers. 省略:避免重复 This is not my brother’s glass but my husband’s. 表示店铺, 某人家时 the doctor’s (office); the Green’s (house); the tailor’s (shop) 指时间,距离的名词也可用名词所有格 Beijing’s population; five minutes’ walk; today’s newspaper 表无生命的东西的名词所有关系, 用of 形式 The leg of the table; the cover of the book 双重所有格: of短语 + 名词所有格 a friend of my sister’s; a picture of Mrs. Wang’s (a picture of Mrs. Wang) 名词在句子中的作用 The teacher taught us an English song yesterday. My daughter likes Chinese. Linda was elected monitor. We named her Beibei. We would like to visit a car factory. John David, a famous America singer, died in an


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