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外籍學生申辦郵局金融帳戶【Account opening and documents for application】:
? 本校舉凡各式款項之發放,例如:工讀金發放、助學貸款多貸退費、退宿費、補辦減免退費、獎學金……等,均不發放現金,並一律存入受款人之帳戶,以便一貫迅速作業。故請新生自行前往就近的全省郵局開立帳戶(已有郵局帳戶者,不需另行開戶)。?.
? 學生可透過總務處出納組網頁『各項查詢』→『出納網路服務查詢系統』,查得各入帳資料,本組不另個別通知入帳款項,同學請自行上網查詢。
Banking services /Postal Savings
Account opening and documents for application
Overseas Chinese:
Present a valid residency permit and passport or an identity certificate for overseas Chinese issued by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission. Applicants without a valid permit are required to present a Record of ID Number in the Republic of China(available upon request from the branch offices of National Immigration Agency; inquiry hotline: 02-2388-9393; 0800-024-111).
(1)華僑:本人憑居留證及護照或僑委會核發之華僑身分證親自辦理,不得委託他人代辦。 無居留證者,須提示「中華民國統一證號基資表」(由當事人檢附護照,向內政部入出國及移民署各縣市服務站提出申請;查詢電話 02-2388-9393;0800-024-111)方可辦理。
Present a valid residency permit and passport. Applicants without a valid permit are required to present a Record of ID Number in the Republic of China(available upon request from the branch offices of National Immigration Agency; inquiry hotline: 02-2388-9393; 0800-024-111).
All post offices in Taiwan are available for applying with the above documents and more than 100 NT dollars. Otherwise, two application form and one deposit order are required to be filled in when applying.
(2)外國人:本人憑居留證及護照親自辦理,不得委託他人代辦。 無居留證者,須提示「中華民國統一證號基資表」(由當事人檢附護照,向內政部入出國及移民署各縣市服務站提出申請;查詢電話 02-2388-9393;0800-024-111)方可辦理。
Types of account:
Joint Passbook Savings Account
The account holder must create a 4-digit passbook password when opening an account, and affix a seal in the Authorized Seal column of the passbook (signatures are not permitted, but seals with English names or translated names in Chinese are permitted). The account holder can make deposits or withdrawals at any network post office in Taiwan, by presenting the passbook together with the authorized seal.
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