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基于SolidWorks的风机主传动系统三维建模 摘 要 本文采用了风力发电机的计算机建模仿真的方法,对风力发电机的主传动系统性能及载荷计算的方法进行了研究,同时以1MW级风机说明了建模和仿真的基本方法和理论。风力发电机的主传动系统的建模和仿真都是在SolidWorks软件平台下完成的,文章对风力发电机组的塔架、轮毂、主轴、齿轮箱、电机、机舱底盘进行了建模。对主传动系统各部件在风力发电机组上的作用作了介绍,并对其结构形式及选用进行了详细的分析。 风力发电机组的运转环境非常恶劣,受力情况复杂,所以对其主传动系统各部件材料的选用作了介绍。为了确保风力发电机在其寿命期内能够正常工作,对主轴进行了强度分析。由于齿轮箱在风力发电机组的特殊作用,对齿轮箱内的传动形式的种类、特点及应用作了介绍,并对其进行了合理的选择。根据齿轮箱的增速要求,合理选择了齿轮箱内的各级齿轮轴和齿轮的参数。发电机也是风力发电机组的重要部件之一,它将风轮的机械能转化为电能。发电机的选择尤其重要,所以本文对所选择的双馈异步发电机的工作原理及作用作了介绍。由于主传动系统安装的需要,对机舱底盘进行了建模,并在满足强度及刚度的前提下,对其材料和造型的合理选择作了介绍。 最后,在SolidWorks平台上把所有建模设计出的风力发电机主传动系统的零部件进行了装配,并在平台上进行了传动模拟演示,使人们更直观的了解风力发电机主传动系统的组成及工作情况。 关键词:风力发电机;主传动系统;建摸;仿真 ABSTRACT The wind generator computer modeling simulation approach is adopted here, and the research of load calculation drivetrain system performance of the wind generator are conducted while 1MW-class air-compressors on modeling and simulation of the basic methods and theories. The main drivetrain system‘s modeling and simulation of wind generators are operated on the SolidWorks software platform. The modeling of the round wheel, axle, gear boxes, electrical, cabin chassis of the wind generator is conducted on this article. The main components in the drivetrain system on the role of wind power generation units were introduced, and the selection of its form and structure of a detailed analysed. Wind generators’ operating environment is very bad,, the various components of its main drivetrain system were introduced in the selection of materials. To ensure that wind generators in their normal life, the intensity analysis of the main axle is conducted. For the gear boxes in wind generators have special role for the transmission gear box form types, characteristics and applications were introduced, and its reasonable selection. According to gear boxes growth, a reasonable choice of gear wheel axle and gear box at all levels of the parameters is conducted. Wind generators’ generator is one of the important part, it will wind


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