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嘉 应 学 院 毕业论文(设计) 题目:学生社团管理系统 Title: Students’ Organization Management System 申请学位 工学学士学位 系 别 计算机科学与技术系 专 业 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名 学 号 121134 导师姓名 2006 年 5 月 20 日 中 文 摘 要 利用网络和数据库技术,结合目前硬件价格普遍下跌与宽带网大力建设的有利优势,应用Active Server Page技术和采用ACCESS数据库系统组件来构成的应用服务系统,本文开发了基于B/S模式多用户学生社团管理系统这一程序。它运用方便、操作简单,效率很高。主要提供了对学生社团的管理平台。在系统中,将管理用户分为了四大类:第一类为系统管理员,主要用于对整个系统的管理;第二类为具体社团的管理员,主要实现对本社团的管理,如社团公告、社团新闻、社团相册、社团成员管理等等;第三类为各社团的会员,主要实现网上交流及信息的浏览;第四类为一般游客,主要浏览系统的一些新闻公告和一些社团的基本信息等.借助B/S模式,会员及社团管理员可以方便的浏览社团的各种信息,并可根据自身的需要参加各种活动,加强会员与社团的联系。 关键词: 学生社团,ACCESS, ASP技术,信息系统 Abstract Using the network and the data bank technology, the union the hardware price generally falls at present the advantageous superiority which constructs vigorously with the wide band net, technology and used the application service system using Active Server the Page which the SQL database system module constituted, this article has developed based on B/S pattern multiuser student mass organization management system management system this procedure. It utilizes, the operation conveniently simple, the efficiency is very high. Mainly has provided to the student mass organizations management platform. In the system, will manage the user to divide into four big kinds:The first kind is the system manager, mainly uses in to the overall system management; The second kind for the concrete mass organizations managers, the main realization to this mass organizations management, like the mass organization announces, mass organization news, mass organization photo album, mass organization member management and so on;The third kind is various mass organizations member,Mainly realizes on the net the exchange and the information browsing;The fourth kind is the common tourist,Main browsing system some news announcements and some mass organizations basic information and so onWith the aid of B/The S pattern, the member and the mass organization


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