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基于单片机离散量数据采集系统设计 院 系 专 业 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 负责教师 沈阳航空工业学院2010年6月 摘 要 TLP521进行光电隔离,采用八位三态相输出总线缓冲器关键词:Along with the rapid development of computer technology and popularization, data acquisition system is also widely application. Microcomputer is widely applied in general automation, information processing and information system etc . Signal acquisition, pretreatment, temporary and PC transmission is needed by metallurgy, chemical, medical care and other applications。The design is a discrete variables acquisition system with upper and lower operating mode. The PC machine controls the lower machine and display the date, and the lower machine realizes data collection. Hardware design of digital machines STC89C52RC single-chip design for the control of the core to the use of photoelectric TLP521 isolation, the use of eight three-state bus buffer with an output of 74HC541 for input buffer part of the output part is used in latch 74HC574, Used for RS-232 serial communication, you can relay through the computer to control the realization of the bright lights out billiards control and manual control switch can monitor. The results proved that the design method is feasible to achieve a billiards automated agency management system to overcome the drawbacks of traditional management methods, the application has good prospects and the value. Keywords: single chip; data acquisition system; communication 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 课题相关技术 2 1.3 课题任务 5 1.4课题内容及安排 5 2 系统方案设计 6 2.1方案设计原则 6 2.2 方案选择 6 3 系统硬件设计 9 3.1单片机模块 9 3.1.1 STC89C52RC介绍 10 3.1.2 单片机最小系统 12 3.2 输入输出模块 15 3.2.1 光电隔离模块 15 3.2.2 输入模块 17 3.2.3 输出模块 19 3.3 串口模块 21 3.4 设备选型 24 4 系统软件设计与实现 25 4.1 软件编程介绍 25 4.1.1 C语言介绍 25 4.1.2 VB介绍 26 4.2 下位机软件方案设计 27 4.2.1主程序设计部分 28 4.2.2初始化程序设计部分 28 4.2.3中断程序设计部分 29 4.3 上位机软件方案设计 31 5 系统集成与调试 32 5.1 Keil软件开发平台及介绍 32 5.2 调试分析 33 5.3 调试分析 33 5.4 故障调试及解决方法 33 5.5 联调结果 34 6 结论 35 参考文献 36 致 谢 38 附录Ⅰ 原理图 39 附录Ⅱ 程序清单 40 绪论 随着现代世界经济的不断发展,计算机技术得到飞速发展


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