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摘要 此课程设计主要是通过编程来实现电子式数码管显示单相单用户的用电量,其硬件部分主要以C8051F360单片机为控制核心,连接电能计量、LED显示、掉电存储、按键清零等功能模块组成整个系统模块。 通过对用户供电电压和电流实时采样,采用专用的电能表集成电路,对采样电压电流信号进行处理并相乘转换成与电能成正比的脉冲输出,再经过计数器和LED显示器,实现对单用户的用电情况进行掉电存储、按键清零等功能。用户的用电量可以就地读取,有效地提高了电能计量的准确性,而且整个电路具有线路布置简单,可靠性高等优点;另外在用户电子式电能表的前面有6位LED数码管,最高位数码管显示为户号,次高位显示连接线,后四位为用户用电量,清楚的显示了用户的户号及其用电量。 此次课程设计运用了单片机C8051F360主控芯片、AD7755电能脉冲的转换芯片、74HC165实现按键清零芯片、74HC164驱动八段译码显示器芯片及24C16防止掉电数据丢失等芯片,并通过protel画图、Multisim软件仿真、Silicon IDE开发环境进行软件编程调试、查找资料等学习工具,最终实现了用户电量在数码管上显示的功能。 关键词:电能表;单片机C8051F360芯片;硬件设计;软件设计 ABSTRACT The curriculum design is mainly through programming to achieve the electronic digital display single users electricity, the hardwarepart mainly C8051F360 microcontroller as control core, connect theelectric energy metering, LED display, power-down memory, buttonreset function module of the system module. Based on the users power supply voltage and current real-time sampling, using special electric energy meter IC, for processing andmultiplication is converted into pulse output and power is proportional to the voltage and current sampling signal, and thenthrough the counter and LED display for single user of electricity to power storage, key features such as clear. The user of electricity consumption can be read in situ, effectively improve the accuracy of electric energy metering, and the whole circuit has simple circuitarrangement, high reliability; there are 6 LED digital tube in addition to the users of electronic watt-hour meter in front of the most high,digital tube display for households, and secondarily display line, after four for the user of electricity, clearly shows the users account number and power consumption. The curriculum design using the conversion pulse MCU C8051F360 main control chip, AD7755 chip, 74HC165 chip, 74HC164 buttonreset drive eight decoding display chip and 24C16 avoid losing data,chip, and through the Protel drawing, The Multisim software simulation, Silicon IDE development


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