国际商务礼仪Unit 12 Communications Etiquette通讯礼仪.ppt

国际商务礼仪Unit 12 Communications Etiquette通讯礼仪.ppt

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Unit Twelve Communications Etiquette 通讯礼仪 Focal Points Contents IV. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. Exercises How to Leave Perfect Voice Mail Messages Millions of people leave voice mail messages every day, yet somehow we all get messages we have trouble understanding. Here are some tips for leaving good voice mail 1 . 1. Leaving perfect voice mail messages is not difficult when you know which steps to 2 . Good voice mail messages get right to the point and give all of the necessary information in as few words as possible. 2. Pay attention to the instructions following the recorded voice mail greeting. Some voice mail services allow you to modify or erase your message if you make a 3 , so take note of how to do so just in case your message doesn't turn out the way you want it to. messages follow mistake IV. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. Exercises 3. After hearing the voice mail 4 and the beep indicating the beginning of recording, begin by stating the name of the person you are calling for. This is important because families or roommates often share one voice mail. 4. Then, state your full name. Unless your first name is extremely unique, there is a good chance the person you are calling knows more than one person with your name. Use your first and last name to 5 confusion. 5. Briefly describe the reason for your call. Most people do not like to hear long-winded messages with unnecessary details. Avoid 6 anything private—you never know when someone will play their voice mail messages publicly and your words may be overheard. greeting avoid mentioning IV. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. Exercises 6. Finally, state your phone 7 and the best time to reach you. Be sure to state your p


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