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沈启智: 武汉市教科院教研室英语教研员, 特级教师,分管高三教学10余年。 1992年起承担国家教委(后教育部)考试中心每年一度的高考试题分析工作;2004年分省命题,同时担任湖北省自主命题分析与评价学科专家组成员。参加编写教育部考试中心《高考试题分析 1992 -2005年版》、湖北教育考试院《自主命题湖北卷评价与分析 2004-2007》等。 Our philosophy of language testing 1. Relate language testing to language teaching and language use. 2. Design your tests so as to encourage and enable test takers to perform at their highest level of ability. 3. Build considerations of fairness into test design. 4. Humanize the testing process: seek ways in which to involve test takers more directly in the testing process; treat test takers as responsible individuals; provide them with as complete information about the entire testing procedure as possible. 5. Demand accountability for test use; hold yourself, as well as any others who use your test, accountable for the way your test is used. 6. Recognize that decisions based on test scores are fraught with dilemmas, and that there are no universal answers to these. – BachmanPalmer: Language Testing Practice 了解考试: 测试分类-考与考不同 * 按照测试目的分 - 成绩测试 Achievement Test: 毕业会考; 期中期末 水平测试 Proficiency Test: NMET, TOEFL 学能测试 Aptitude Test: SAT/Scholastic Aptitude Test 诊断性测试 Diagnostic Test: 随堂练习/测验 编班测试 Placement Test * 按照对测试分数的解释方式分 - 目标参照性测试 Criterion-referenced Test 常模参照性测试 Norm-referenced Test 研究考试 “Proficiency tests are designed to measure people’s ability in a language regardless of any training they may have had in that language. The content of a proficiency test, therefore, is not based on the content or objectives of language courses which people taking the test may have followed. Rather, it is based on a specification of what candidates have to be able to do in the language in order to be considered proficient. ” Arthur Hughes: Testing for Language Teachers 认识考试- 高考功能 命题要求 适当难度(P)- 通过率(答对率)/得分率(平均分) 较好区分度(Discrimination)- G1 - G5: D = Hi - Lo n 合理效度(有效性-Valid


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