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上海自贸区海关14项监管服务创新制度 14 Policies of Customs Supervision Innovation in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 2014年上海自貿区税関14項監督管理サービス革新的な制度 (2014) 海关坚持以市场和企业需求为导向,积极对标国际通行规则,围绕“简政集约、通关便利、安全高效”的要求,在前期试点基础上,今年上半年,将分批推出14项“可复制、可推广”的监管服务制度。 China Customs, adhere to the market-oriented and enterprise-demand-oriented aim, actively benchmarking standard international rules, in accordance to the requirement of “intensive streamline administration, convenient customs clearance, effective and efficient supervision”, on the grounds of previous pilot basis, will progressively launch 14 “reproducible and applicable” policies of Customs Supervision Innovation in the early half of this year. 税関は積極的に国際通行規制と同じ標準を実行し、“政集約、通関便利、安全高効率”の要求をめぐって、企業の需要とマーケットを道しるべに制度を作りします。今年上半期では、前期の基礎の上で14項の“複製でき、普及でき”監督管理サービス制度を分割で公表されました。 一、在5月1日之前和5月1日起推广实施的7项制度 7 Policies to be promoted and implemented before and after May 1st 一、5月1日までに、または5月1日から7項制度の普及実施。 第一项:先进区、后报关制度。调整了原来一线进境货物先报关再入区的通关作业流程,允许企业先凭货物舱单信息提货进区,再在规定时限内办理海关申报手续,降低通关时间和成本。前阶段已有47家区内企业参加试点,根据试点总结评估,海关已形成了统一的制度标准,5月1日起将推广至所有符合条件并自愿参加的区内企业。 Article 1 “First entering and then declaring” Policy. The former operation mode of Enter After Declaration from abroad link is changed. Enterprises are allowed to first enter goods and handle formalities for picking up goods at port by presenting relevant manifest, and then handle formal declaration formalities for entering goods with the customs in the prescribed time limit, reducing time consumption and cost of customs clearance. 47 enterprises registered in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Pilot Zone) participated in such pilot experiment in the early stage, on the basis of its summary and evaluation, the Customs has formed uniform institutional standard, which is applicable to all eligible enterprises registered in the Pilot Zone volunteering to participate from May 1st on. 第一項:“先进区、后报关制度”(先に進区後で通関できる制度)。元一線の輸入貨物がまず通関再入区という通関作業フローを調整しました。企業はまず貨物マニ


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