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Vocabulary unit 1--7 2010.12.28 * * Vocabulary Preparation work towards a common objective share information different points of view (be) under pressure toiletries [t?ilitri] major brand sales department sales staff company culture expatriate [eksp?trieit] management consultant managerial [,m?n?d?i?ri?l] skills 朝同一个目标 共享信息 不同的观点 有压力 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆品公司 销售部门 销售人员 主导品牌 公司文化 旅居海外的(a.); 侨民(n.) 管理顾问 管理技能 * Vocabulary Preparation creative thinking team building effective management style a survival course food and accommodation profile board game simulation marketing mania [meini?] go for profit behind schedule stick to the schedule [sked?ul] 创新思维 团队建设 有效的管理方式 食宿 简介,小传,概况 营销激情 追求利润 董事会(管理层)竞赛游戏 进度落后计划 严格按照计划进行 模拟训练 生存技巧培训课程 * Vocabulary Preparation international communication official language language skills over-estimate vt. manageable adj. understate vt. culture-specific work environment the business world seminar n. management n. follow-up evaluation 国际交流 超越、胜过 便于管理的 某一文化所特有的 工作环境 打着折扣说、轻描淡写地说 商界 研讨会、讨论会 管理人员、经理部 后续评估 官方、正式语言 语言技能 * Vocabulary Preparation supplier n. department training budget deadline n. voice mail answering machine half-year sales report complimentary ticket time schedule 供应商 部门培训预算 最终期限 语音信息 录音电话(BE: answer phone) 时间安排表 半年度销售报告 免费赠送的票 * Vocabulary Preparation customer satisfaction form complete the form questionnaire criteria atmosphere attentiveness value for money objective enhance mezzanine:[mez?ni:n] reasonable prices 顾客满意调查问卷 完成表格 调查问卷 标准 情调 物有所值 周到 目标 提高 中层楼(指介于一层和二层之间) 合理的价格 * Vocabulary Preparation interior design group dining group menu catering requirement corporate events wine tasting company presentation business trip 室内装修 团体用餐 团体餐菜单 餐饮要求 公司社交活动 商务旅行 品酒会 公司业务报告会 * Vocabulary Preparation corporate hospitality tip to be in need of business objectives social setting training consultants



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