Module 2 Unit 1 tales of the unexplained 每课一练13(牛津版高中必修2).doc

Module 2 Unit 1 tales of the unexplained 每课一练13(牛津版高中必修2).doc

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Module 2 Unit 1 tales of the unexplained 每课一练13(牛津版高中必修2).doc

Module 2 Unit 1 tales of the unexplained 每课一练13(牛津版高中必修2) 课时1 Welcome to the unit I. 热身题: 1. Do you believe in unexplained mysteries such as UFOs, Yetis, monsters and Birmuda Triangle? 2. Have you ever been to Egypt and see its magnificent pyramids? Do you know the reason why they were built thousands of years ago? 3. What’s your opinion of life on other planets, for example, on Mars? II. 翻译下列词组: 1. 一条沉没的船 _________________ 2. 由于,因为____________________ 3. 撞见 _________________________ 4. 充满 _________________________ 5. 先进的科学____________________ III. 用puzzle短语或puzzle的适当形式填空完成下列句子: 1. It is quite _____________________ (难以解释的事)to us why he did that. 2. I’m _____________________ (做猜字游戏)in this newspaper. 3. I am ___________________ (不知所措) as to what to do next. 4. The woman’s illness _________ the doctor; he couldn’t find the cause. 5. I was _______ how to handle the situation. 6. There was a ________ expression on her face. 7. I find the whole affair very ___________. IV. 美诗欣赏: Teacher’s prayer I want to teach my students how to live their life on the earth, To face the problem and difficulties, and to improve their worth. Not just the lessons in a book or how the rivers flow, But how to choose the proper path wherever they may go, To understand the truth and know what is right from wrong, And to see the beauty in a flower and a song. For if I help the world to grow in wisdom and in grace, I will feel that I have won and I have filled my place. And so I ask for help, God, so that I may do my part, For strength, confidence, and happiness of heart. 课时2 Reading: Boy missing, police puzzled I. 根据课文内容,完成下表: Main points Supporting details Justin Foster went missing Mrs Foster thought he was spending the night with a friend. Mr.s Foster was surprised ___________________________. Justin Foster _____________________________________. The police found that Justin returned home. Justin’s friends said ________________________________. Witnesses sa



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