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Homework 用所给词语编写故事(至少用八个词或词组)。 file intellectual property assess database firm leak confidential suspect consider compensate 1.hatred n. 憎恨;仇恨;恶意 ①He looked at me _____________in his eyes. 他以憎恨的眼光望着我。 have a hatred for/of 憎恶……. ②She has a profound _____________fascism. 她对法西斯主义怀有深仇大恨。 v. hate:dislike ③I hate it when you speak with your mouth full. ④I hate being disturbed at night. with hatred hatred of 2. assess vt. 评估;估算 (1)assess. . . at 评估……的价格是 (2)assessment n. 评定,估价 assessment of 对……的评价;评估 ①The value of this property was ________ ___ one million dollars. 这财产的价值估定为一百万美元。 ②It is too early to _______the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。 ③He made a careful _____________ ____the situation. 他对形势作了细致的评估。 assessed at assess assessment of 3. leak 1) n. 漏洞,裂缝 You must shut the gas supply off if there is __ ____. 煤气泄漏时,必须把阀门关上。 2) v. 漏、泄漏 The roof was ________. 屋顶在漏雨。 3) 泄露,透露;走漏 leak sth. (to sb) The contents of the report __ ______ __ the press. 报告的内容泄露到新闻界了。 a leak leaking were leaked to 4. confidential adj. 机密的,保密的;秘密的 (1)strictly confidential 绝密地 (2)confident adj. 自信的 be confident of/that. . . 自信/确信…… (3)confidence n.


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