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Topic 1 第一讲: Changing profiles of library users: Accommodating a new generation 转变中的读者: 迎合新一代的需要 Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technologies and Research Vanderbilt University /breeding Generational Transitions 世代的过渡 1925-1945: Silent Generation 静默一代 1946-1964: Baby Boomer Generation 婴儿潮一代 1965-1980: Gen X X世代 1981-2000: Millennial Generation 千禧世代 Millennial Characterizes 千禧世代特征 Innate ability for Technology 使用科技的天赋 Frenetic multitasking 热衷于多重作业 Comfortable with diverse types of digital media 使用电子媒体得心应手 Highly interactive style of working 非常互动的工作模式 Caveat 请注意 Don’t over generalize generational differences 不要过于概括代与代之间的分别 Gen X’ers and Baby Boomers are also becoming more Web savvy and have rising expectations X 世代与婴儿潮一代也越来越懂使用万维网,期望也越来越高 Also: New librarians entering the profession are part of the Millennial Generation. 同时: 新一代的图书馆从业员也是来自千禧世代 Forrester “The Millennials are Coming!” Forrester「千禧人来了!」 They are generally creative, organized, independent, and open to innovation 他们大多富创意、有组织、独立和接受创新 Millennials also are impatient, skeptical, and sometimes arrogant in their relationships with others 千禧人也缺乏耐性,对事物常抱怀疑态度,与别人相处有时候会傲慢 Status and authority do not greatly impress them 他们并不太俯首于地位和权力 A Contrast of Generations 世代比较 Approach to study and learning 学习途径 Los Angles Times: “They Do It All While Studying” reports results of an LA Times/Bloomberg poll 洛杉矶时报报导一个该报与彭博合作的调查:「他们学习时也一心多用」 53% of children ages 12 to 17 said they did at least one other thing while studying 53%十二至十七岁的孩子学习时同时兼顾最少一种以上的其他事情 25% of adults ages 18 to 24 25%十八至二十四岁的成年人会这样做 Multitasking while studying 学习时一心多用 Passive activities 被动式活动: 84% listened to music as a side activity 听音乐 47% watched TV 看电视 22% watched a movie 看电映 Active tasks 主动式工作: 32% talk on the phone 谈电话 21% browse the Internet 网上浏览 15% instant messaging 即时传讯 13% e-mail 电邮 13% text messaging 文字传讯 6% video games 视像游戏 Shaping Collections for Millennial Users 为千禧人建设馆藏 C


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