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大綱 Vista 映像技術簡介 建立映像檔 編輯映像檔 部署映像檔 大綱 Vista 映像技術簡介 建立映像檔 編輯映像檔 部署映像檔 Vista 部署的加強 映像技術的演進 WIM 映像的目標 WIM 格式的優點 WIM 映像檔案格式 XImage 指令 Windows PE 2.0 與 Longhorn 伺服器整合 大綱 Vista 映像技術簡介 建立映像檔 編輯映像檔 部署映像檔 擷取映像 映像檔擷取選項 建立映像檔 大綱 Vista 映像技術簡介 建立映像檔 編輯映像檔 部署映像檔 Imaging Filters 映像掛載、變更與卸載 XImage 大綱 Vista 映像技術簡介 建立映像檔 編輯映像檔 部署映像檔 映像安裝 Windows System Image Manager Windows System Image Manager System Image Manager 以映像為基礎的部署 以映像為基礎的升級 Windows PE 2.0 Vista 升級功能的加強 使用 WIM 開機 總結 新的 WIM 映像技術 新的 WIM 映像工具 簡化部署 參考資訊 TechNet /taiwan/technet/default.mspx 聖哥的資訊站 .tw Questions and Answers 請不要忘了填一下問卷 接下來即將舉行的線上課程: /taiwan/technet /webcast/online.mspx? SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=7Vista Deployment Enhancements/SLIDETITLE KEYWORDS/KEYWORDS KEYMESSAGEWindows Vista contains tools and architectural enhancements that simplify deployment./KEYMESSAGE SLIDEBUILDS2/SLIDEBUILDS SLIDESCRIPT Vista is built out of modular components, which means that device drivers, service packs, and components can be easily added to meet the specific requirements of your enterprise. The fact that each module is defined as an independent building block means that a specific component can be easily serviced or updated without breaking the whole operating system. Windows Vista is also language-agnostic. Languages, including English, are optional components and can be added separately from the operating system itself. You dont need a separate system configuration for each language, reducing the number of versions that an organization needs and resulting both in easier deployment and cost savings. [BUILD1] A typical cause of deployment complexity and costs is the number of specific configurations that administrators need to manage. Adding new hardware, language packs, updates, and drivers usually requires creating a new system configuration. Updating multiple configurations and testing each of them is costly and time-consuming. Therefore, one of Microsoft’s major goals in Windows Vista is to significantly reduce the number of


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