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由西南财经大学保险学院主办的暑期短期课程,旨在搭建一个国外管理与保险领域的顶尖专家面对面交流平台国内风险与保险领域学者与国外顶尖专家交流。 西南财经大学2016 年 7 月 18 - 29日在西南财经大学“保险经济理论和计量方法的应用”。课程所聘教师均是国外从事保险与风险管理研究的顶尖学者,他们将结合各自的研究领域,介绍自己从事科学研究的体会,分享保险经济理论和计量方法应用的相关经验。 本期短期课程拟招生人数为 40人(每个单位报名人数不超过2人)。课程学费、资料费全部由西南财经大学保险学院大学2016 年暑期短期课程报名表于2016 年7 月 1 日前,发送至电子邮箱(rencong@swufe.edu.cn),保险学院7月6 日前为您发出参加研修班的邀请函。(课程安排及讲师简介见附件) 联系人:任聪 张琪 电话:028 电子邮箱: rencong@swufe.edu.cn 西南财经大学2016 年暑期保险研修班教 Richard MacMinn 教授: Professor Richard MacMinn is a Senior Research Fellow at The University of Texas at Austin and the National Chengchi University in Taipei. ?He was the first holder of the Edmondson-Miller Chair at Illinois State University and prior to that he was the first holder of the Swiss Re Chair in the Management of Risk at the University of Nottingham. ?He is a Co-editor of the North American Actuarial Journal and?was editor of the?Journal of Risk and Insurance, the lead journal in the world on insurance and risk management, published by the American Risk and Insurance Association from 1998 through 2006. ?He is an associate editor for the?Journal of Risk and Insurance, the?Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance and the?Quarterly Journal of Economics and Finance and was an associate editor of the?Journal of Insurance Issues. ?Professor MacMinn served as a board member of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association from 2000-2003, as a board member of the American Risk and Insurance Association from 2003-2006 and is or was?a member of the American Risk and Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists, Southern Risk and Insurance Association, Western Risk and Insurance Association, American Economic Association and American Finance Association. ?He has published in journals including the?Journal of Risk and Insurance,?Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,?Geneva Papers,?Journal of Political Economy,?Quarterly Journal of Economics?and?the Journal of Fin



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