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一、中国国土资源基本形势 The Basic Situation of China’s Land and Resources 二、中国国土资源管理体系 The Management System of China’s Land and Resources 三、中国国土资源管理工作现状和未来 The Present Situation and the Future of Land and Resources Management of China 土地资源特点一:总量大,人均占有量小。 The first characteristics of land resource : big total volume with small occupancy. 土地资源特点二:耕地总体质量不高。 The Secondly characteristics of land resource : the general quality of the cultivated area was poor. 高产田仅占28%,中产田为40%,低产田为32%。优质耕地占用过快,耕地污染退化比较严重,全国每年因水土流失、土壤盐碱化和沙化损失的耕地仍在增加。 High yielded field accounted for only 28%, medium yielded field for 40% and low yielded field accounted for 32%. Good quality cultivated land was occupied too fast, resulting in a bit serious recession due to pollution of cultivated land. Each year, the loss of cultivated land in the country due to soil erosion, salinization and desertification is still increasing. 土地资源特点三:土地资源区域差异显著。 The Thirdly characteristics of land resource : the regional difference of land resources. 宜农、宜林土地主要分布于东部季风区,80%以上的草地分布在西北干旱区。 Lands suitable for agriculture and forest are mainly distributed over the east seasonal wind areas. Over 80% of grass lands are distributed over the northwestern dry areas. 土地资源特点四:可供开发利用的土地面积小 The fourth characteristics of land resource : the developable and applicable land area is small 耕地后备资源不足,仅1亿亩左右。 the cultivated backup land resource is insufficient (only about 100,000,000 mu). 已探明储量的159种矿产分类表 159 minerals with identified resources and reserves in China in 2006 中国海洋资源种类繁多。其中,海洋石油资源量约240亿吨,天然气资源量14万亿立方米,滨海砂矿资源储量31亿吨,海洋可再生能源理论蕴藏量6.3亿千瓦,水深0至15米的浅海面积12.4万平方千米。 China has many types of marine resources. Among them, the amount of marine petroleum resources is about 24 billion tons, that of natural gas resources is about 14 trillion m3, coastal sand mineral resources deposit is 3.1 billion tons and the theoretical ocean reproducible energy deposit is about 0.63 billion kilowatts, the shallow sea area with water depth from 0 to 15 m


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