辽宁省大连市铁路中学学案3:必修1 Module3.docVIP

辽宁省大连市铁路中学学案3:必修1 Module3.doc

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辽宁省大连市铁路中学学案3:必修1 Module3.doc

话题 1. Describe your first ride on a train (描述你第一次乘火车旅游) 2. Talking about a trip you made to a tourist spot (谈论你到一个旅游景点的观光旅行) 3. Writing about one’s experience (写一篇自己的经历) 功能 Being polite (讲礼貌) 须掌握的语法: The –ed form as the attributive (过去分词作定语) 2 Past tense time expressions (一般过去时) 须掌握的句型: 1. Would you mind doing…? The fact is that …. What do you think of …? Is that right? 书面表达实践:Write a diary about a visit to a place of interest (写一篇关于游览参观的日记) 第一课时词汇 须掌握的单词: 距离 n. ____________ 被遗弃的 adj. _____________ 3. 专家 n. ____________ 4. 产品 n. ____________ 风景,景色 n. _____________ 6. 土壤 n. ____________ 7. 旅程 n. ____________ 8. 训练 vt. _______________ 9. 使吃惊 vt. ____________ 10. 面试,面谈 n. ______________ 11. 大事件;比赛项目 n. ____________________ 12. 疲惫不堪的 adj. _____________ 13. 仪式 n. ____________ 14. 半夜 n. __________ 15. 海滨 n. _________________ 单词拼写 1. At Mary’s wedding c______ held the other day, I met a friend of mine. 2. They have been married for 60 years. We are going to hold a party to celebrate their d______ wedding. 3. He aimed at the wolf and s______ it. 4. It is said that there is a football match between China and Japan in the s______. 5. The children are taken good care of in the k________. 6. Camels are much better than horses for traveling in the ______(沙漠) areas. 7. From here to the station, it is a long ______ (距离)for the woman with a child in her arms. 8. Alice Thompson comes from Sydney, which is an _______(澳大利亚) city. 9. The students who take part in the activities can get _______(纪念品) 10. He has _______(面谈) a lot of people for the job. 词汇拓展: distance→___________(adj.) 2. abandoned→ ___________(vt.) 3.expert→_______(adj.) __________ (同义词) 4.frighten→ ________ (adj.)→ ___________ (adj.) 5. product → _____________ (n.) 6. interview → _________ (vt.)____________会见者______________被接见者 7. exhausted → __________(vt.)8. downtown → _____(adj.) 城镇住宅区的 9. journey → _____________ (vt.) 10. train → ____________ (n.)


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