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2009年海峡两岸土地学术研讨会 台湾农村小区土地发展策略之研究 The Study of the Rural Land Development Strategies in Taiwan 刘嫈莉、穆青云、周天颖 Liu Young-Li、Mu Ching-Yun、Chou Tien-Yin 摘要:台湾的农村特性自清代移民屯垦时期,历经日治街庒制度与战后的村落组织,三个世纪以来随着社会、产业、经济结构等实质环境的变迁,农村功能也随之而改变。农村空间发展形态也从农业产出为主的有机式纹理结构,转而推动农村小区土地重划,试图藉由重划的地籍重整机制,缔造农村地区生活、卫生、防灾等面向的现代化(或都市化)生活质量。 然而,农村朝向仿都市型态的集村发展模式,是否真正对台湾的农村文化与地理条件相符?或者在永续、生态理念下所推动的集村发展型态,应更尊重传统演化而成的农村小区型态,尤其近年政府大力推动的「农村再生」相关政策,势必将为农村带来另一次的变革。 本文藉由案例田野调查及质性论述方式,检视台湾农村小区土地发展脉络,针对农村小区空间发展特性进行归纳与分类,探讨各类农村土地演化之运用方式,对农村地区基础环境所延伸之影响。未来农村小区扩大发展时,应如何面对环境所造成之限制因素,期能透过农村小区实际案例分析,提供未来「农村再生」或其它农村土地发展政策的基本策略研拟建议。 关键词: 农村再生、农村规划、农村土地发展 Abstract Taiwan’s rural characteristics since Ch’ing period after three centuries with the social, industrial and economic structure of the changes in the substance environment, it caused the rural functions changed. Spatial development patterns in rural villages are also mainly from the agricultural output in turn promoting the re-zoned land to create life, health, disaster prevention, such as for the modernization (or urbanization) the quality of life. However, the rural villages towards urban patterns of development model whether comply with Taiwan’s cultural and geographical conditions or not? Or the sustainability, eco-concept should pay more respect to the evolution of the traditional patterns of development especially in recent years the government is actively promoting the “Rural Revitalization” policy, will bring another change. This article will survey the context of the rural land development in Taiwan by case study and qualitative discuss to conclude and classify the rural spatial development characteristics. It also discusses every different rural land use to cause the impacts of rural foundational environment, and how to deal with the limitation factors caused by environment. Finally, we hope provide the recommends for the “Rural Revitalization” or other rural land development policies and strategies. Keywords: Rural Revitalization, Rural Village



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